Function Join-PS1XMLFromFiles { <# .SYNOPSIS Uses Get-ContentFromFormatFilesInPath to join the file contents appropriately .DESCRIPTION Collects all content from valid files for inclusion into the PS1XML file .EXAMPLE Join-PS1XMLFromFiles .\Alkami.PowerShell.IIS\Public\ .\Alkami.PowerShell.IIS\Alkami.PowerShell.IIS.ps1xml .PARAMETER PublicPath The name of the folder to examine all files under. .PARAMETER Ps1xmlFilePath The file to overwrite with the contents of the build process. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [String]$PublicPath, $Ps1xmlFilePath ) process { # Get all of the xml nodes from the format files $nodes = @(Get-ContentFromFormatFilesInPath $PublicPath) Set-Content -Path $Ps1xmlFilePath -Value $nodes.OuterXml -Force } }