function Reset-MinikubeServices { <# .SYNOPSIS Resets Minikube services to match those defined in the service version and configuration files .DESCRIPTION Use this function to reset your cluster to match your service(s) configuration files. .PARAMETER Force [switch] Will force a complete reinstallation and sync up between the services config file and the Minikube cluster. Use this when removing or excluding a service from the configuration. .EXAMPLE Refresh-Services -Force #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Force ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName) $config = Get-MinikubeConfigurationInformation if ($Force.IsPresent) { Write-Host "$loglead : Forcing refresh of services..." Write-Host "$loglead : Deleting localhost namespace..." kubectl delete ns localhost Write-Host "$loglead : Creating localhost namespace..." kubectl create ns localhost Write-Host "$loglead : Refreshing Minikube secrets..." Reset-MinikubeSecrets Write-Host "$loglead : Installing alkami-local-dev services..." helm install alkami-local-dev --repo $config.helmChartName -n localhost --create-namespace --dependency-update -f $config.localServiceVersionsFilePath -f $config.localServiceCustomizationsFilePath } else { Write-Host "$loglead : Upgrading alkami-local-dev services..." helm upgrade alkami-local-dev --repo $config.helmChartName -n localhost --create-namespace --dependency-update -f $config.localServiceVersionsFilePath -f $config.localServiceCustomizationsFilePath } }