Function Get-LogPathsForOrbApplication { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the paths where a given ORB application saves its log files .PARAMETER AppName Name of the ORB Application to get the log file paths for #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("Name")] [string]$AppName ) process { $log4netConfigPath = (Join-Path (Join-Path (Get-OrbPath) $appName) "log4net.config"); if (!(Test-Path $log4netConfigPath)) { throw "Could not find the path at $log4netConfigPath"; } $config = [Xml](Get-Content $log4netConfigPath); ## Use the native powershell capability to just do the array to list thing automatically return $config.configuration.log4net.appender.file.value; } }