Function Get-NewRelicAppNameForConfigurationValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the App Name for setting the config file value for New Relic .DESCRIPTION Legacy ORB components .PARAMETER ServiceName [string] This is the default name of the service as expected for the service #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$ServiceName ) $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName); # The use of the package names in this list is due to the fact that these services/apps were extracted to packages from legacy $NewRelicNames = @{ AuditService = "Audit"; BankService = "Bank"; ContentService = "Content"; CUFX = "CUFX"; "Alkami.Api.CUFX" = "CUFX"; ExceptionService = "Exception"; IPSTS = "IPSTS"; CoreService = "Core"; MessageCenterService = "MessageCenter"; NagConfigurationService = "NagConfiguration"; NotificationService = "Notification"; ORBFX = "ORBFX"; "Alkami.Api.OrbFX" = "ORBFX"; "RP-STS" = "RP-STS"; "Alkami.Security.RPSTS" = "RP-STS"; SchedulerService = "Scheduler"; SecurityManagementService = "SecurityManagement"; STSConfiguration = "STSConfiguration"; SymConnectMultiplexer = "SymConnect"; "Alkami.App.Providers.SymConnectMultiplexer" = "SymConnect"; WebClient = "WebClient"; WebClientAdmin = "Admin"; Radium = "Radium Service"; Nag = "Nag"; TextBanking = "TextBanking" } $NewRelicName = $NewRelicNames[$ServiceName] if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NewRelicName)) { Write-Verbose "$logLead : Found a dereference value of $NewRelicName for $ServiceName" return $NewRelicName } return $ServiceName }