function Get-FullTenantListFromServer { <# .SYNOPSIS This function retrieves a full list of tenants from a given server identified by connection string .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves a full list of tenants from a given server identified by connection string .PARAMETER connectionString [string] Used to identify the connection to insert tenants to .INPUTS Connection string to connect to the server. .OUTPUTS A list of tenants. This is an array of hashmap objects. The objects should look like this example for developer tenant: @{ Name = 'Developer Dynamic'; BankGuid = '78554577-9DE6-43CD-9085-5868977156D1'; Signature = ''; AdminSignature = ''; DataSource = 'localhost'; Catalog = 'DeveloperDynamic'; Version = ''; ConnectionString = 'data source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI; Database=DeveloperDynamic;Max Pool Size=500;Pooling=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;'; GlobalIdentifier = '08bc7221-ba19-478b-889f-316c43324af2' }; .EXAMPLE Get-FullTenantListFromServer ConnectionString Get-FullTenantListFromServer 'data source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI; Database=AlkamiMaster;Max Pool Size=500;Pooling=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;' @(@{ Name = 'Developer Dynamic'; BankGuid = '78554577-9DE6-43CD-9085-5868977156D1'; Signature = ''; AdminSignature = ''; DataSource = 'localhost'; Catalog = 'DeveloperDynamic'; Version = ''; ConnectionString = 'data source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI; Database=DeveloperDynamic;Max Pool Size=500;Pooling=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;'; GlobalIdentifier = '08bc7221-ba19-478b-889f-316c43324af2' }) .NOTES Will return GlobalIdentifier from Tenant table if column exist, else will return NULL for that column. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [string]$connectionString ) process { $logLead = Get-LogLeadName if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($connectionString)) { ## If there is no passed in connection string, use the current computer connection string. $connectionString = Get-MasterConnectionString } if (!(Confirm-DatabaseAccess $connectionString)) { throw "$logLead : could not connect to the database!" } try { $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connectionString $sqlConnection.Open() $queryBankinstanceidentifierStatus = @" IF COL_LENGTH('[Tenant]','bankinstanceidentifier') IS NOT NULL SELECT '1' AS [Status]; ELSE SELECT '0' AS [Status]; "@ $queryTenantFull = @" SELECT Name, BankIdentifiers, BankUrlSignatures, BankAdminUrlSignatures, DataSource, Catalog, Version, ConnectionString, BankInstanceIdentifier FROM tenant; "@ $queryTenantPartial = @" SELECT Name, BankIdentifiers, BankUrlSignatures, BankAdminUrlSignatures, DataSource, Catalog, Version, ConnectionString, NULL AS BankInstanceIdentifier FROM tenant; "@ $data = @() try { [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand]$command = $sqlConnection.CreateCommand() # Run query to determine if column exists. $command.CommandText = $queryBankinstanceidentifierStatus Write-Verbose "$logLead : Running query to determine if Tenant.BankInstanceIdentifier exists." [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader]$reader = $command.ExecuteReader() # Find if the column exists. while ($reader.Read()) { $hasGLOBIDBit = $reader[0] } $reader.Close() Write-Verbose "$logLead : GlobIdBit = $hasGLOBIDBit" if($hasGLOBIDBit -eq "1") { Write-Verbose "$logLead : Tenant table has BankInstanceIdentifier column. Using queryTenantFull" $command.CommandText = $queryTenantFull } else { Write-Verbose "$logLead : Tenant table does not have BankInstanceIdentifier column. Using queryTenantPartial" $command.CommandText = $queryTenantPartial } # Run the actual tenant query. Write-Verbose "$logLead : Running tenant query." $reader = $command.ExecuteReader() while ($reader.Read()) { $data += @{ Name = $reader[0]; BankGuid = $reader[1]; Signature = $reader[2]; AdminSignature = $reader[3]; DataSource = $reader[4]; Catalog = $reader[5]; Version = $reader[6]; ConnectionString = $reader[7]; Bankinstanceidentifier = $reader[8]; }; } } catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message throw "$logLead : An error occurred getting tenant information from the database." } finally { Write-Verbose "$logLead : Closing and disposing DataReader and SqlConnection" $reader.Dispose() $sqlConnection.Close() } foreach ($record in $data) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($record.ConnectionString)) { $record.ConnectionString = Get-FormattedConnectionString -ServerName $record.DataSource -DatabaseName $record.Catalog } } return $data } catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message throw "$logLead : An error occurred getting the tenant list from the server." } } }