function Set-HostFileTarget { <# .SYNOPSIS Allows a user to quickly switch their host file to target either localhost or the remote for dev environment URLs .DESCRIPTION This function lets users swap between either having their host file point at the local environment (aka localhost) or not when resolving dev environment URLs. This allows developers to do local development of services and quickly switch to testing on the dev environments. This is accomplished by commenting and uncommenting any of the lines in the host file that point at and have a url in the form of "*" .PARAMETER Remote Switch to say to point to the remote when accessing these URLs. Either this switch or the -Local switch must be specified, but not both .PARAMETER Local Switch to say to point to the localhost when accessing these URLs. Either this switch or the -Local switch must be specified, but not both .EXAMPLE Set-HostFileTarget -Local .EXAMPLE Set-HostFileTarget -Remote #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] param ( # CmdletBinding gives you these neat attributes to use [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Remote')] [switch]$Remote, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Local')] [switch]$Local ) $HostFilePath = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" $HostFile = Get-Content $HostFilePath if ($Local) { $HostFile | Foreach { # Things that are commented out should become uncommented if ($_.StartsWith('#') -and $_.EndsWith('') -and -not $_.Contains('') -and -not $_.Contains('')) { $_.Replace('#', '') } else {$_} } | Out-File $HostFilePath -enc ascii } else { $HostFile | Foreach { # Things that are not commented out should become commented if ($_.StartsWith('') -and $_.EndsWith('') -and -not $_.Contains('') -and -not $_.Contains('')){ "#" + $_ } else {$_} } | Out-File $HostFilePath -enc ascii } }