function Join-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the executing server into an existing ServiceFabric cluster. Returns $true on success. .PARAMETER servers The server hostname(s) of an existing cluster. Only one is required. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]]$Servers ) $loglead = (Get-LogLeadName); # Make sure we're not installing this on a web server. if(Test-IsWebServer) { Write-Error "$loglead : Cannot install Service Fabric on a Web server!"; return $false; } if(($null -eq $servers) -or ($servers.count -eq 0)) { Write-Error "$loglead No SF cluster servers passed in to join. Exiting."; return; } $endpointPort = 19000; Write-Host "$loglead : Scanning for an existing Service Fabric cluster to join."; $localIP = (Get-IpAddress); $existingClusterNodeIp = $null; foreach($server in $servers) { if($server -eq $localIP) { continue; } Write-Host "$loglead : Testing endpoint $($server):$endpointPort for a Service Fabric cluster."; $testEndpoint = (Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $server -Port $endpointPort); if($testEndpoint.TcpTestSucceeded) { $existingClusterNodeIp = $server; break; } } if($null -eq $existingClusterNodeIp) { Write-Host "$loglead : Could not find a running service fabric cluster to join server to."; return $false; } # Connect to an existing cluster if one exists. Write-Host "$loglead : Downloading Service Fabric installer/runtime files via Chocolatey." choco upgrade Alkami.DevOps.ServiceFabric -yr; $chocoInstallPath = Get-ChocolateyInstallPath $fabricBasePath = Join-Path $chocoInstallPath "lib\Alkami.DevOps.ServiceFabric\files" if(!(Test-Path $fabricBasePath)) { Write-Error "$loglead : Service Fabric was not downloaded correctly. Check the Chocolatey logs."; return $false; } # Make sure that the offline installation .cab was downloaded successfully. $runtime = Get-ChildItem -Path $fabricBasePath -Filter "*.cab" | select-object -First 1; if(($null -eq $runtime) -or (!(Test-Path $runtime.FullName))) { Write-Error "$loglead : The Service Fabric offline installation .cab was not downloaded correctly. Check the chocolatey logs."; return $false; } $runtimePath = $runtime.FullName; # Determine the name of the SF node and its fqdn for windows authentication. $nodeName = $env:COMPUTERNAME; $fqdn = (Get-FullyQualifiedServerName); # Determine endpoint of the existing cluster endpoint we're joining. $endpoint = "{0}:$endpointPort" -f $existingClusterNodeIp; # Determine fault/upgrade domain. $faultDomain = $null; $hashcode = [Math]::Abs($fqdn.GetHashCode()); # Use the hostname as the AZ to get around overtly strict rules around microservice placements in SF $az = $env:COMPUTERNAME; # Set the fault domain to the availability zone in AWS. $faultDomain = "fd:/{0}/r0" -f $az; $upgradeDomain = $hashcode; $environmentName = (Get-AppSetting -appSettingKey "Environment.Name"); $workerName = (Format-AlkamiEnvironmentWorkerNodeType $environmentName); # TODO: Fix this to remove a manual setup step. # The issue is that this relies on SF module functions to work. # However, the SF module is installed with the AddNode.ps1 script below. # New-AlkamiServiceFabricEnvironmentNodeType -environmentName $environmentName; # Look up the server certificate name from the seed node. $clusterManifestLocation = "C:\ProgramData\SF\clusterManifest.xml"; $clusterManifestLocation = Get-UncPath -filePath $clusterManifestLocation -ComputerName ($Servers[0]); if(!(Test-Path $clusterManifestLocation)) { Write-Error "$loglead : Could not find Cluster Manifest config file at '$clusterManifestLocation'."; return; } # Read the certificate common name to connect to the cluster with. $ServerCertificateCommonName = $null; $namespace = @{ x = "" }; $serverCertNode = (Select-Xml -Path $clusterManifestLocation -XPath "//x:ServerCertificate" -Namespace $namespace) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node -First 1; if(!([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($serverCertNode.X509FindValue))) { $ServerCertificateCommonName = $serverCertNode.X509FindValue; } else { Write-Error "$loglead Could not locate a certificate common name in the cluster manifest. Exiting.." return; } # Look up the certificate to connect to the cluster with. $serverCert = Find-CertificateByName -CommonName $ServerCertificateCommonName -StoreLocation "LocalMachine" -StoreName "My"; if($null -eq $serverCert) { Write-Host "$loglead Could not locate certificate $ServerCertificateCommonName. Make sure it is loaded to the local machine store."; } $serverCertThumbprint = $serverCert.Thumbprint; Write-Host "$loglead : Connecting to existing Service Fabric cluster on node $existingClusterNodeIp"; $installerPath = Join-Path $fabricBasePath "AddNode.ps1"; & $installerPath -NodeName $nodeName -NodeType $workerName -NodeIPAddressorFQDN $fqdn -ExistingClientConnectionEndpoint $endpoint -UpgradeDomain $upgradeDomain -FaultDomain $faultDomain -FabricRuntimePackagePath $runtimePath -AcceptEULA -X509Credential -ServerCertThumbprint $serverCertThumbprint -StoreLocation "LocalMachine" -StoreName "My" -FindValueThumbprint $serverCertThumbprint -Verbose; # See if the SF port is listening as a test. The SF AddNode script doesn't actually fail. Start-Sleep -Seconds 5; if ($null -eq (Get-NetTCPConnection | Where-Object {($_.LocalPort -eq $endpointPort) -and ($_.State -eq "Listen")})) { Write-Error "$loglead : Server did not successfully join cluster. Read logs."; return $false; } return $true; }