function Get-UrlComponents { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to decompose a string as a url into the consituent components .PARAMETER Url The parameter to be parsed #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Url ) $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName) $originalString = $Url $schemeDelimiter = "://" $defaultPorts = @{ ftp = 21; ssh = 22; telnet = 23; mailto = 25; http = 80; ldap = 389; https = 443; "net.tcp" = 808; } # Yes I could rely on hoisting but I don't like that. Harder to reason what's missing. $username = $null $password = $null $Scheme = $null $Hostname = $null $Port = $null $Credential = $null $Query = $null $Fragment = $null $schemeAt = $Url.IndexOf($schemeDelimiter) if ($schemeAt -gt -1) { $scheme = $Url.Substring(0,$schemeAt) $Url = $Url.Substring($schemeAt + $schemeDelimiter.Length) } $firstSlash = $Url.IndexOf('/') $firstAt = $Url.IndexOf('@') if ($firstAt -lt $firstSlash) { # The first @ comes before the first slash, which indicates a user component $Username = $Url.Substring(0, $firstAt) $usernameSplit = $Username -split ':' if ($usernameSplit.Length -gt 2) { throw "$logLead : A username field can not contain more than two segments. You should probaly just not be using a username anyways, it's highly insecure. But if you must, check the RFC. Can only have one colon here." } $Username = $usernameSplit[0] $password = $usernameSplit[1] if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($password)) { $replacePassword = ":$password@" $originalString = $originalString.Replace($replacePassword,":@") # It is okay to force this here because we are literally parsing a raw text password. $password = (ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force) $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username, $password # Either return the credential OR the Username, never both $Username = $null } $Url = $Url.Substring($firstAt + 1) } $firstSlash = $Url.IndexOf('/') $Hostname = $Url.Substring(0, $firstSlash) $Url = $Url.Substring($firstSlash) $portDelimiter = $Hostname.IndexOf(':') if ($portDelimiter -gt -1) { $Port = $Hostname.Substring($portDelimiter + 1) $Hostname = $Hostname.Substring(0, $portDelimiter) } $fragmentDelimiter = $Url.IndexOf('#') if ($fragmentDelimiter -gt -1) { $Fragment = $Url.Substring($fragmentDelimiter) $Url = $Url.Substring(0, $fragmentDelimiter) } $queryDelimiter = $Url.IndexOf('?') if ($queryDelimiter -gt -1) { $Query = $Url.Substring($queryDelimiter) $Url = $Url.Substring(0, $queryDelimiter) } # We have trimmed off the scheme, user, host, port, query, fragment. All that is left is the path. $Path = $Url $segments = $null if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { $segments = @($Path -split '/').Where({![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}) } return New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ Hostname = $Hostname; Scheme = $Scheme; Port = $Port; Path = $Path; Segments = $segments; Query = $Query; Fragment = $Fragment; Username = $Username; Credential = $Credential; OriginalString = $originalString; } }