function New-MachineSetup { <# .SYNOPSIS Things to do when setting up a machine for the first time, in script form #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( ) $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName) if ((Get-ExecutionPolicy) -ne 'Unrestricted') { 'Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force -Scope LocalMachine; New-MachineSetup;' | Set-Clipboard Write-Warning "$logLead : You gotta set the execution policy to unrestricted. It's on your clipboard, hit paste and enter, then accept." return } # TODO everything # setup AWS file # setup AWS ProfileName # setup cached AWS ProfileName # setup CachedCredentials # setup IE11 nonsense # setup default browser (Set-DefaultTLSVersion) | Out-Null if (!(Set-DefaultNetshURLACLS)) { Write-Warning "Default NetSH URLACLS not set. Could be a problem? Could already exist? Check with a lead or SRE." } if (!(Set-DefaultNetshIPListens)) { Write-Warning "Default NetSH IP Listens not set. Could be a problem? Could already exist? Check with a lead or SRE." } }