function Get-GitBranchNames { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the branch names for a given repository path, if it is a repository .PARAMETER Path The file path to check. Can be presumed as the current folder. #> param( $Path = ((Get-Location).Path) ) $return = @() $Path = (Find-GitRepoRootFromPath -Path $Path) $branches = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath ".git\refs\heads" -Resolve) -Recurse -File).FullName foreach($branch in $branches) { # This could be rooted _under_ heads by several folders # It might be faster to Read-GitConfig and look at but filesystems are usually pretty fast $return += ($branch -split 'heads')[1].Substring(1).Replace('\','/') } return ($return | Sort-Object) }