function Merge-MkvVideos { <# .SYNOPSIS Used to merge two MKV files into one output file .PARAMETER OutputFile Target a single file for output, full name .PARAMETER Path Two or more paths, comma separated, will concatenate in the order presented .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Target')] [Alias('Output')] [Alias('o')] [string[]]$OutputFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Source')] [Alias('Input')] [string[]]$Path ) $mkvmergePath = "/usr/bin/mkvmerge" $alternateMvkMergePath = (which mkvmerge) if (-not (Test-Path -Path $mkvmergePath)) { if ($alternateMvkMergePath.indexOf(": no")) { Write-Warning "Maybe you should do: [] ?" throw "Could not find the path for mkvmerge [$mkvmergePath] Is it installed? Is it in the PATH?" } else { $mkvmergePath = $alternateMvkMergePath } } if ($Path.Count -lt 2) { throw "Must supply more than one path to this function" } if (Test-Path -Path $OutputFile) { Write-Warning "The specified file already exists. This file will be overwritten." } $commandArguments = @("-o", $OutputFile) $firstPath = $true foreach ($filePath in $Path) { $filePath = Resolve-Path -Path $filePath if (-not $firstPath) { $commandArguments += "+" } $commandArguments += $filePath $firstPath = $false } $invokeArguments = @{ Path = $mkvmergePath Arguments = $commandArguments } Invoke-CallPathWithArguments @invokeArguments }