function Set-AppTierGMSAAccounts { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets App Tier GMS Accounts. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("PodGMSAAccount")] [string]$podGMSAAccountParent ) $DEFAULTVALUE = "DEFAULTVALUE" Write-Host "If a warning happens next for [The AppSetting with Key Environment.UserPrefix could not be found], you can ignore that completely" ## We want to set the value if it does not exist, because eventually all machines should have this configured. ## This pairs with Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration\Get-AppServiceAccountName to go in the local web.config or app.config ## Only write it as we consume it. if ($null -eq (Get-AppSetting -appSettingKey "Environment.UserPrefix")) { Write-Verbose "Adding Environment.UserPrefix to match this function" Set-AppSetting -key "Environment.UserPrefix" -Value $podGMSAAccountParent ## This is so we can use this later as ($domain)\(Get-AppSetting -appSettingKey "Environment.UserPrefix").$MatrixLookup[appName]$ ## see also Get-AppServiceAccountName } $applicationsDictionary = @{ 'AuditService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.audit$'; 'BankService' = 'fh\$'; 'ContentService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.content$'; 'CoreService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.core$'; 'ExceptionService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.exception$'; 'MessageCenterService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.msgctr$'; 'NagConfigurationService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.nag$'; 'NotificationService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.notify$'; 'RP-STS' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.rpsts$'; 'SchedulerService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.schedule$'; 'SecurityManagementService' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.secmgr$'; 'STSConfiguration' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.stsconf$'; 'SymConnectMultiplexer' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.multiplx$'; 'Alkami Radium Scheduler Service' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.radium$'; 'Alkami Nag Service' = 'fh\DEFAULTVALUE.nag$'; } foreach ($appTierApplication in $appTierApplications) { $appName = $appTierApplication.Name $newUserName = $applicationsDictionary[$appName] -replace $DEFAULTVALUE,$podGMSAAccountParent $appTierApplication.User = $newUserName Write-Host "$($appTierApplication.Name) : $($appTierApplication.User)" } foreach ($appTierService in (Get-AppTierServices)) { $appName = $appTierService.Name $newUserName = $applicationsDictionary[$appName] -replace $DEFAULTVALUE,$podGMSAAccountParent $appTierService.User = $newUserName Write-Host "$($appTierService.Name) : $($appTierService.User)" } }