function Disable-AlkamiDomainAccounts { <# .SYNOPSIS Disables active directory accounts and moves them to the disabled accounts OU .DESCRIPTION Disables active directory and moves them to the disabled accounts OU. Accounts can be standard accounts or service accounts. .PARAMETER Accounts [string[]] An array of user SAMAccountNames to act upon .PARAMETER DisabledAccountOU [string] The OU name for disabled accounts. Defaults to "Disabled Accounts" .PARAMETER DomainName [string] The domain name to act upon. Defaults to "fh.local" .EXAMPLE Disable-AlkamiServiceAccounts @("fakeuser1", "fakeuser2") .EXAMPLE Disable-AlkamiServiceAccounts @("fakeuser1", "fakeuser2") -DisabledAccountOU "Trash Can" -Domain "" #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$Accounts, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$DisabledAccountOU = "Disabled Accounts", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$DomainName = "fh.local" ) $logLead = Get-LogLeadName if (!(Test-IsUserDomainAdmin)) { Write-Warning "$logLead : You must have domain administrative privileges to run this command" return $null } foreach ($account in $Accounts) { Write-Host "$logLead : Processing account [$account]" $curAccount = Get-ActiveDirectoryAccount -Identity $account if ($null -eq $curAccount) { Write-Warning "$logLead : Account named [$account] not found; skipping." continue } # Disable the Account Disable-ActiveDirectoryAccount -Account $curAccount # Move the account to the disabled account OU Move-AccountToDisabledOU -AccountDistinguishedName $curAccount.DistinguishedName -DisabledAccountOU $DisabledAccountOU -DomainName $DomainName } }