## This PS1 Has Values Referenced By Multiple Functions/Scripts Which May Be Overridden By the User # This can be modified if needed, but probably shouldn't be $global:basePath = Get-OrbPath -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -InformationAction SilentlyContinue # This can be modified if needed, but probably shouldn't be $global:logsPath = Get-OrbLogsPath -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -InformationAction SilentlyContinue ### These values will be instrumented from Secret Server if Install\-ORBAppServer is called with the necessary credentials ### In the case of a standalone or on-prem installation, complete the necessary fields $global:appTierApplications = @( @{ Name = "AuditService"; WebAppName = "AuditService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "AuditReportingService.svc"; VIPSuffix="61"; }, @{ Name = "BankService"; WebAppName = "BankService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "BankService.svc"; VIPSuffix="50"; }, @{ Name = "ContentService"; WebAppName = "ContentService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "ContentService.svc"; VIPSuffix="51"; }, @{ Name = "CoreService"; WebAppName = "CoreService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "CoreService.svc"; VIPSuffix="52"; }, # NOP this service because it's been deprecated since 2020.5 releases, and we are at 2022.3 as of this comment nearly everywhere # @{ Name = "ExceptionService"; WebAppName = "ExceptionService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "ExceptionService.svc"; VIPSuffix="53"; }, @{ Name = "MessageCenterService"; WebAppName = "MessageCenterService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "MessageCenterService.svc"; VIPSuffix="54"; }, @{ Name = "NagConfigurationService"; WebAppName = "NagConfigurationService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "NagConfigurationService.svc"; VIPSuffix="55"; }, @{ Name = "NotificationService"; WebAppName = "NotificationService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "NotificationService.svc"; VIPSuffix="62"; }, @{ Name = "RP-STS"; WebAppName = "RP-STS"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "ClaimTransformation.svc"; VIPSuffix="60"; }, @{ Name = "Scheduler"; WebAppName = "SchedulerService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "SchedulerService.svc"; VIPSuffix="56"; }, @{ Name = "SecurityManagementService"; WebAppName = "SecurityManagementService"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "SecurityManagement.svc"; VIPSuffix="57"; }, @{ Name = "STSConfiguration"; WebAppName = "STSConfiguration"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "STSConfiguration.svc"; VIPSuffix="58"; }, @{ Name = "SymConnectMultiplexer"; WebAppName = "SymConnectMultiplexer"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Endpoint = "Multiplexer.svc"; VIPSuffix="59"; } ) ### These values will be instrumented from Secret Server if Install\-ORBAppServer is called with the necessary credentials ### In the case of a standalone or on-prem installation, complete the necessary fields ### This is intended for only installing legacy ORB Windows applications $global:appTierServices = @( @{ FolderName = 'Radium'; AssemblyInfo = 'Alkami.App.Radium.WindowsService'; Name = "Alkami Radium Scheduler Service"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Binary = $basePath + "\Radium\Alkami.App.Radium.WindowsService.exe"; }, @{ FolderName = 'Nag'; AssemblyInfo = 'Alkami.App.Nag.Host.Service'; Name = "Alkami Nag Service"; User = "REPLACEME"; Password = "REPLACEME"; IsGMSAAccount = $true; Binary = $basePath + "\Nag\Alkami.App.Nag.Host.Service.exe"; } ) ### These values will be instrumented from Secret Server if Install\-ORBAppServer is called with the requisite credentials and if the value is equal to "REPLACEME" ### In the case of a standalone or on-prem installation, provide the master database connection string $global:masterConnectionString = "REPLACEME" ### The broker should run as the local system account, this should not need to be modified $global:webTierWindowsServices = @( ) ### These values will be instrumented from Secret Server if Install-ORBWebServer is called with the necessary credentials ### In the case of a standalone or on-prem installation, complete the necessary fields $global:webTierAppSettings = @( @{ Name = "ReportServer"; Value = "REPLACEME"; }, @{ Name = "ReportServerUrl"; Value = ("{0}/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx" -f ($webTierAppSettings | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "ReportServer"}).Value); }, @{ Name = "ReportServerPath"; Value = ("/{0}" -f [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("POD", "Machine")); }, @{ Name = "ReportServerUserName"; Value = "REPLACEME"; }, @{ Name = "ReportServerPassword"; Value = "REPLACEME"; }, @{ Name = "ReportUserName"; Value = "REPLACEME"; }, @{ Name = "ReportPassword"; Value = "REPLACEME"; } ) ### Redis Server Connection ### You can instrument this with the values Dev, QA, Staging, Prod, or AWS to have the correct value set automatically ### If you are not using one of these environments, you can put the full string here to have it set explicitly ### To keep the existing value, do not change the below $global:redisEndpoint = "REPLACEME" ### Keys will be automatically generated when not found using the POD designation as a seed ### Or you can set them manually here. If changed from the defaults below the keys will not be generated. $global:machineKeyValidationKey = "C153B7375BE81D1B1F01D9AB2F8ED31E4CECD7A7EA226DF91EF737E0C3E5A081D07B1883BA80B866EF666B837D839A0739E22506F044148CF8F35854A3CD0472" $global:machineKeyDecryptionKey = "2701BE9B42AAC5769232FFFE894C086B6838C613481B2694C975BCAC02807BD6" ### This probably never needs to change. If you do change it, you need to manually set the Validation and Decryption keys to the appropriate lengths $global:decryptionMethod = "AES"