function Test-AlkamiServiceManifest10 { <# .SYNOPSIS Please don't use this file by hand, please use Test-AlkamiManifest This function is intended to validate the ServiceManifest dotted object/hashtable so we can ensure that the values provided meet a minimum standard of valid .PARAMETER ServiceManifest A dotted object ([xml](Get-Content -Path $somePath)) or hashtable of values #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [object]$ServiceManifest ) $success = $true $resultMessages = @() $validServiceRuntimes = @('core', 'dotnetcore', 'legacy', 'framework') if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ServiceManifest.runtime)) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/runtime must be non-empty" $success = $false } if (-not ($validServiceRuntimes -contains $ServiceManifest.runtime)) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/runtime must be one of these values: $($validServiceRuntimes -join ',')" $success = $false } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ServiceManifest.entryPoint)) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/entryPoint must be non-empty" $success = $false } $migrations = $ServiceManifest.migrations # Assembly checks if ($migrations -and $migrations.assembly) { # We should have EITHER assemblies OR packages if ($migrations.package) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/migrations can only have an assembly, or a package list. Not both." $success = $false } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/migrations/assembly/target must be non-empty, if a migration and assembly are provided." $success = $false } } if ($migrations -and -not $migrations.assembly) { # If we have no packages, we expect assemblies. if (-not $migrations.package) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/migrations must have one or more assembly, or package specified" $success = $false } } $provider = $ServiceManifest.provider if ($provider) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($provider.providerName)) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/provider/providerName must be non-empty, if a provider node is provided." $success = $false } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($provider.providerType)) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/provider/providerType must be non-empty, if a provider node is provided." $success = $false } } $foundSomePackages = $false $packageErrors = @() foreach ($package in $migrations.package) { $foundSomePackages = $true if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ { $packageErrors += "Found an empty packageid value in the manifest for migrations" } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($package.version)) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ { $packageErrors += "Found an empty/missing package version value in the manifest for package id $($" } else { $packageErrors += "Found an empty/missing packageid value in the manifest" } } } if ($foundSomePackages -and $packageErrors) { $resultMessages += ($packageErrors -join '`n') $success = $false } if (($null -ne $ServiceManifest.db_role) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ServiceManifest.db_role)) { $resultMessages += "packageManifest/serviceManifest/db_role must be populated when provided" $success = $false } return @{ success = $success results = $resultMessages } }