function Test-IsOverflowServer { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a boolean indicating if the current machine is an overflow or not. .DESCRIPTION This will check the EC2 tags for a server and look for the key value of alk:overflow. Will return true if alk:overflow:true is found and false in any other scenario. .EXAMPLE # Testing on a standard server Test-IsOverflowServer False .EXAMPLE # Testing on an overflow server Test-IsOverflowServer True #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param ( ) $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName) try { $isOverflowServer = Get-CurrentInstanceTags -tagName "alk:overflow" -ValueOnly if ($isOverflowServer -eq 'true') { return $true } else { return $false } } catch { Write-Warning "$logLead`: Unable to query tags. This needs to be run on an AWS Server or the environment is set up incorrectly." } }