Function Get-DefaultWebsite { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the default website (typically "Default Web Site") .DESCRIPTION This function will try to find the first site with a binding protocol of http and bound to port 80 (against localhost,, or *:80). If no site is found, will return a $null. In that case run New-DefaultWebsite Recommendation is to run the result through Optimize-DefaultWebsite which will return the object as well. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull", "", Justification="Array Consolidation is Acceptable")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DefaultWebSiteName = "Default Web Site" ) $loglead = (Get-LogLeadName) $returnWebsite = Get-Website -Name $DefaultWebSiteName # TODO: This pattern is likely to break in the future as we add more and more "non-default" sites. # The goal of this function is to not-break for SDK clients partner developers. $definitelySkipSiteNames = @('Client','Admin','WebClient','WebClientAdmin','IPSTS','IP-STS','Orion','Eagle Eye','CoreDashboard') if ($null -eq $returnWebsite){ $eligibileSites = (Get-ChildItem IIS:\Sites) $sites = @() $potentialBindings = @("*:80:","","localhost:80:") foreach($site in $eligibileSites) { if ($null -ne $definitelySkipSiteNames.Where({$_ -match $site.Name})) { Write-Host "$logLead : Site name [$($site.Name)] matched a definite-skip pattern. Ignoring and moving to the next." continue } $siteBindings = $site.Bindings.Collection foreach($binding in $siteBindings) { $potentialBinding = ($binding.bindingInformation -split ' ') if (($binding.protocol -eq 'http') -and $null -ne ($potentialBindings -contains $potentialBinding)[0]) { $sites += $site; } } } ## Get the site with the lowest ID $sites = @(($sites, @() -ne $null)[0] | Sort-Object ID) Write-Verbose "$logLead : Falling back to array lookup for final value. Site count: $($sites.Length). Taking first record: [$($sites[0])]" $returnWebsite = $sites[0]; } else { Write-Verbose "$logLead : Found '$DefaultWebSiteName' already existed" } return $returnWebsite; }