Function New-SDKMachineSetup() { <# .SYNOPSIS A function that encapsulates the setup of a new machine and completes the operations found on .DESCRIPTION Validates installation of required software, add feeds for nuget and chocolatey, exclude port ranges and setup the Alkami listeners. .EXAMPLE Clients: New-SDKMachineSetup Alkamists: New-SDKMachineSetup -Alkamist Alkamists (Daily Builds): New-SDKMachineSetup -Alkamist -Daily .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Username, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Alkamist, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$Daily ) # Confirm the required software is installed Confirm-Software $feed = "feeds" if ($Alkamist) { $feed = "packagerepo" } # Add Alkami's NuGet sources Write-Host "Adding Alkami Dev NuGet source" nuget sources add -name "Alkami Dev" -source "https://$" -user $Username -password $Password Write-Host "Adding Alkami Third-Party NuGet source" nuget sources add -name "Alkami Third-Party" -source "https://$" -user $Username -password $Password # Then add our Chocolatey Dev feed as a choco source, passwords with special characters will need to be surrounded in "'mypassword'" double and single quotes Write-Host "Adding Alkami Choco.Dev Chocolatey source" choco source add -n=AlkamiChocoDev -s "'https://$'" -u="'$Username'" -p="'$Password'" if ($Alkamist) { Write-Host "Adding Alkami Choco.SDK Chocolatey source" choco source add -n=AlkamiChocoSdk -s "'https://$'" -u="'$Username'" -p="'$Password'" if (-not $Daily) { choco source disable -n "AlkamiChocoSdk" } } $output = $false # Note: Run below 2 commands to reserve specific ports. $output = Add-NetshExcludedPortRange -StartPort 12345 -Range 2 $output = Add-NetshExcludedPortRange -StartPort 50000 -Range 30 # Ensure the specifically requested Alkami listeners are added to the Windows netsh repository $output = Set-DefaultNetshIPListens }