function Format-AlkamiEnvironmentName { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the unique name of the environment with redundant pod/host information stripped out. .PARAMETER name The full name of the environment. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias("n")] [string]$name ) # Get rid of redundant words. $wordsToRemove = @("aws","armor","pod","production","prod","staging","stage","lane","qa","sandbox","team","development","develop","dev","regression","integration"); foreach($word in $wordsToRemove) { $name = ($name -replace "\b$word\b",""); } # Replace dots with dashes, because ApplicationTypeName's don't like dashes. $name = $name.Replace(".","_"); # Get rid of excess whitespace on the edges, and any spaces in the middle. $name = $name.Trim(); $name = $name.Replace(" ",""); return $name; }