. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Load-PesterModules.ps1 $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.tests\.', '.' $functionPath = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath $sut Write-Host "Overriding SUT: $functionPath" Import-Module $functionPath -Force $moduleForMock = "" Describe "Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy" { Mock -CommandName Get-LogLeadName -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return 'Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy.tests' } Mock -CommandName Connect-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Start-Sleep -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {} Mock -CommandName Write-Error -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith {} Context "Parameter Validation" { It "Throws if Hostname is Null" { { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -Hostname $null } | Should -Throw } It "Throws if Hostname is Empty" { { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -Hostname '' } | Should -Throw } It "Throws if Sleep Interval is Zero" { { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -SleepIntervalSeconds 0 } | Should -Throw } It "Throws if Sleep Interval is Too Large" { { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -SleepIntervalSeconds 180 } | Should -Throw } } Context "Error Handling" { Mock -CommandName Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return @{ 'AggregatedHealthState' = 'Test' } } It "Writes Error if Operation Times Out" { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -TimeoutMinutes 0 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-Error -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Message -match "Timed out waiting for Service Fabric cluster to be healthy" } } } Context "Logic" { Mock -CommandName Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth -ModuleName $moduleForMock -MockWith { return @{ 'AggregatedHealthState' = 'Ok' } } It "Uses Localhost Hostname By Default" { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -TimeoutMinutes 0 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Hostname -match 'localhost' } } It "Uses Hostname Parameter if Provided" { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -TimeoutMinutes 0 -Hostname 'Test' Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It ` -ParameterFilter { $Hostname -match 'Test' } } It "Returns Without Error if Cluster is Healthy" { Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricClusterHealthy -TimeoutMinutes 0 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ServiceFabricClusterHealth -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-Error -Times 0 -Exactly -Scope It } } }