function Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions { <# .SYNOPSIS Import a PFX certificate with appropriate user permissions without needing the folder structure as specified in Import-Certificates. .PARAMETER ImportPassword The password used to import the certificate. .PARAMETER PathToPfxCertificate The path to a specified PFX file. .PARAMETER UsersWhoNeedRights Optional list of users to grant rights for certificates which have private keys. If not supplied, then the resulting Import-Certificates call will assign the default users .EXAMPLE Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions -ImportPassword 'PASSWORD_GOES_HERE' -PathToPfxCertificate "\\\c`$\temp\" [Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions] : Copied cert to C:\Users\ccoane\AppData\Local\Temp\2\904bf9e6-4be5-4b8e-805b-03817b6dd198\Personal Importing Personal Certs Validating certificate Certificate Passed Validation Granting fh\dev.dbms$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.micro$ rights to PK for certificate Granting FH\dev.micro$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.nag$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.radium$ rights to PK for certificate Granting iis_iusrs rights to PK for certificate [Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions] : Removed temporary directory C:\Users\ccoane\AppData\Local\Temp\2\904bf9e6-4be5-4b8e-805b-03817b6dd198 // If you need to make a modification to the default user list used by Import-Certificates e.g. PFX also requires access granted to fh\$ $SecurityGroup = Get-AppSetting -appSettingKey "Environment.UserPrefix" Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions -ImportPassword 'PASSWORD_GOES_HERE' -PathToPfxCertificate "\\\c`$\temp\" -UsersWhoNeedRights @("iis_iusrs", "fh\$SecurityGroup.radium$", "fh\$SecurityGroup.nag$", "fh\$SecurityGroup.dbms$", "fh\$SecurityGroup.micro$", "fh\$$") [Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions] : Copied cert to C:\Users\ccoane\AppData\Local\Temp\2\a7ad2893-884b-4604-bed2-2c2d6bd597da\Personal Importing Personal Certs Validating certificate Certificate Passed Validation Granting fh\$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.dbms$ rights to PK for certificate Granting FH\dev.micro$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.micro$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.nag$ rights to PK for certificate Granting fh\dev.radium$ rights to PK for certificate Granting iis_iusrs rights to PK for certificate [Import-PfxCertificateWithPermissions] : Removed temporary directory C:\Users\ccoane\AppData\Local\Temp\2\a7ad2893-884b-4604-bed2-2c2d6bd597da #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ImportPassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$PathToPfxCertificate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$UsersWhoNeedRights ) $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName) # Verify Pfx is valid and exists/accessible if (!($PathToPfxCertificate -Like "*.pfx")) { Write-Error "$logLead : This function is expecting a certificate with a .pfx extension as the value for `$PathToPfxCertificate. Provided value is: $PathToPfxCertificate" return } if (!(Test-Path $PathToPfxCertificate)) { Write-Error "$logLead : Unable to reach the specified file from this server. Verify the path is correct and accessible to this server. Provided value is: $PathToPfxCertificate" return } try { $randomPath = Join-Path $Env:Temp $(New-Guid) # Copy PFX to a randomly created folder in appropriate Import-Certificates folder structure $tempFolderPersonalPath = New-Item -Path $randomPath -ItemType Directory -Name "Personal" -Force Copy-Item -Path $PathToPfxCertificate -Destination $tempFolderPersonalPath Write-Host "$logLead : Copied cert to $tempFolderPersonalPath" # If user provided an argument for $UsersWhoNeedRights if ($UsersWhoNeedRights) { Import-Certificates -importPassword $ImportPassword -importPath $randomPath -usersWhoNeedRights $UsersWhoNeedRights } else { Import-Certificates -importPassword $ImportPassword -importPath $randomPath } } catch { Write-Error "$logLead : $_" } finally { # Delete the randomly created folder if it exists if (Test-Path -Path $randomPath) { Remove-Item -Path $randomPath -Recurse -Force Write-Host "$logLead : Removed temporary directory $randomPath" } } return $randomPath }