function Invoke-MinimizeDesignation { <# .SYNOPSIS This wraps the APIGateway/Lambda for scaling environments. Scales the environment down to a 1x1x1. .DESCRIPTION Sends shutdown commands to EC2 instances where the alk:designation tag value = parameter Designation, keeping 1 each of App, Mic and Web running. 1x1x1. .PARAMETER Fqdn Fully Qualified Domain Name of the API Gateway. Each environment/account has a unique API Gateway endpoint. .PARAMETER Designation alk:designation tag to filter which instances to query. Case sensitive. .PARAMETER ApiGatewayKey Unique key for authenticating to the API Gateway. .PARAMETER IsTest Switch to determine if it should actually send the commands to the EC2 instances, or just report back what it will do, without actually sending instance commands. .PARAMETER ExclusionListCSV Comma-seperated list of alk:hostname strings to exclude from the shutdown command. Case sensitive. .EXAMPLE Invoke-MinimizeDesignation -fqdn "" -designation "ci1" -apiGatewayKey "123456789" -isTest $true -exclusionList "app2778144" returns JSON: [ { "IsExcluded": false, "IsApp": false, "IsMic": false, "IsWeb": true, "IsRunning": false, "IsStopped": true, "InstanceId": "i-0fa21749b4e4b81ea", "Designation": "ci1", "HostName": "web27425", "Environment": "dev", "Service": "orb" } ] .NOTES Dev FQDN : Staging FQDN : Qa FQDN : #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Fqdn, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Designation, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ApiGatewayKey, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $IsTest, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $ExclusionListCSV ) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls12" $ExclusionListCSV = $ExclusionListCSV.Replace(',', '","') $jsonBody = '{"Designation":"' + $Designation + '","ExclusionList":["' + $ExclusionListCSV + '"],"IsTest":"' + $IsTest + '"}' #Write-Host "Calling Invoke-MinimizeEnvironment with: $jsonBody" $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$Fqdn/Prod/MinimizeDesignation" -Headers @{"x-api-key" = $ApiGatewayKey} -Method POST -body $jsonBody -ContentType "application/json" return $response }