function New-AppTierApplicationPools { <# .SYNOPSIS This function sets the application tier application pools. TODO: This function should be deprecated as of April 2021 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() foreach ($appPool in $global:appTierApplications) { ## When we can get the bootstrap value set for Get-AppServiceAccountName we can remove this if block ## TODO: cbrand ~ when is completed we should remove this if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Get-AppSetting "Environment.UserPrefix" -SuppressWarnings))) { ## TODO: cbrand - 2019-08-19 - Replace the -Credential parameter with a call to (Get-AppServiceAccountName $appPool.WebAppName) or just embed that lookup in the call below if everything will be a GMSAAccount. New-AppTierApplicationPool -AppPoolName $appPool.WebAppName -Credential (Get-AlkamiCredential $appPool.User $appPool.Password) -IsGMSAAccount:$appPool.IsGMSAAccount } else { New-AlkamiWebAppPool -appPoolName $appPool.WebAppName } } } Set-Alias -name Create-AppTierApplicationPools -value New-AppTierApplicationPools;