function Open-AlkamiSites { <# .SYNOPSIS Opens Admin and WebClient Sites in the User's Default Browser .DESCRIPTION Opens Admin and WebClient Sites in the User's Default Browser Supports opening admin sites only for VAU, sites based on a regex filter, or a random Client/Admin site set .PARAMETER adminSitesOnly [switch] Opens only Admin sites on the server .PARAMETER randomSite [switch] Opens a random Admin / WebClient URL from each matching site .PARAMETER filter [string] A regex string used to match the site binding URI. Opens matching sites .EXAMPLE Open-AlkamiSites PS C:\Users\dsage> Open-AlkamiSites [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser .EXAMPLE Open-AlkamiSites -adminSitesOnly PS C:\Users\dsage> Open-AlkamiSites -adminSitesOnly [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser .EXAMPLE Open-AlkamiSites -random PS C:\Users\dsage> Open-AlkamiSites -random [Open-AlkamiSites] : Grabbing random entry for site WebClient [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Grabbing random entry for site WebClientAdmin [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser .EXAMPLE Open-AlkamiSites -filter bellco PS C:\Users\dsage> Open-AlkamiSites -filter bellco [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser [Open-AlkamiSites] : Opening URL in default browser #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias("AdminOnly")] [switch]$adminSitesOnly, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias("Random")] [switch]$randomSite, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$filter = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$returnSites ) $logLead = (Get-LogLeadName); try { $sites = Get-IisSiteList -adminSitesOnly:$adminSitesOnly } catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] { Write-Warning "$logLead : Could not find any WebClient or WebClientAdmin sites on this server" return } $openedSites = @() $sites | Where-Object { $_.State -eq "Started" } | ForEach-Object { # Grab only the sites with HTTPS bindings (applying filter if applicable). $httpsSites = $_.Bindings | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -like "https" } | Where-Object { $_.Host -match $filter } # Did we find any? if ($null -eq $httpsSites) { # Nope. Was it more than likely a problem with their filter? if ($null -ne $filter) { # Show the user their filter with the warning. Write-Warning ("$logLead : Could not find any https bindings for site {0} that matches filter '{1}'" -f $_.Name, $filter) } else { # Just show the user the warning. Write-Warning ("$logLead : Could not find any https bindings for site {0}" -f $_.Name) } } else { # Are we randomly selecting the site from the list? if ($randomSite.IsPresent) { # Log what we're doing. Write-Host ("$logLead : Grabbing random entry for site {0}" -f $_.Name) # Grab a random object from the list. [array]$httpBindings = Get-Random -InputObject $httpsSites } else { # Log what we're doing. Write-Verbose ("$logLead : Opening each HTTPS binding for site {0}" -f $_.Name) # Grab the first object from the list. [array]$httpBindings = $httpsSites } # Build the URL, log it, and open each matching binding. foreach ($httpBinding in $httpBindings) { $urlString = "{0}://{1}" -f $httpBinding.Protocol, $httpBinding.Host Write-Host ("$logLead : Opening URL {0} in default browser" -f $urlString) Open-UrlInDefaultBrowser $urlString | Out-Null $openedSites += $httpBindings } } } if ($returnSites.IsPresent) { return $openedSites } }