Function Set-SDKUsers { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the default SDK users for the current local development environment .DESCRIPTION For more information, see .EXAMPLE choco upgrade alkami.machinesetup.sdk -y Set-SDKUsers .PARAMETER DatabaseUser Each service that connects to a database will be ran as this user name, will default to Alkami gMSA dev defaults. .PARAMETER NonDatabaseUser Services that do not connect to a database will be ran as this user name, will default to Alkami gMSA dev defaults .PARAMETER EnvironmentType The machine.config value for this key will be updated to match the value of the argument, will default to "Development". .PARAMETER EnvironmentName The machine.config value for this key will be updated to match the value of the argument, will default to "Development". .PARAMETER DevelopmentDatabase The developers target database, will default to "DeveloperDynamic" .PARAMETER TenantDatabase The developers target tenant database, will default to "AlkamiMaster" .PARAMETER CertificateUsers The users we should grant certificate permissions for, will default to @('dev.nag$', 'dev.radium$', 'dev.micro$', 'dev.dbms$') .NOTES This version uses the Alkami dev.* gMSA defaults. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$DatabaseUser = "CORP\dev.dbms$", [string]$NonDatabaseUser = "CORP\dev.micro$", [string]$EnvironmentType = 'Development', [string]$EnvironmentName = 'Development', [string]$DevelopmentDatabase = 'DeveloperDynamic', [string]$TenantDatabase = 'AlkamiMaster', [string[]] $CertificateUsers = @('dev.nag$', 'dev.radium$', 'dev.micro$', 'dev.dbms$') ) Write-Debug "Ensuring environment users have been added to the local security group" Add-UsersToLocalSecurityGroup @($DatabaseUser, $NonDatabaseUser) "Performance Monitor Users" Write-Host "Updating environment, this may take some time." Set-AppSetting 'Environment.Type' $EnvironmentType Set-AppSetting 'Environment.Name' $EnvironmentName Set-AppSetting 'NonDatabaseMicroServiceAccount' $NonDatabaseUser Set-AppSetting 'DatabaseMicroServiceAccount' $DatabaseUser Write-Debug "Updating SMSvcHostSids" Set-SMSvcHostSids Remove-SMSvcHostBlankSecurityIdentifiers Write-Debug "Stopping Alkami Services" Stop-SDKServices Write-Debug "Restarting Windows Process Activation Service" Restart-Service @("WAS") -Force Write-Debug "Updating Database Users" Set-SDKDatabaseUsers 'localhost' $TenantDatabase $DevelopmentDatabase Write-Debug "Updating IIS Application Pools" Invoke-CallOperatorWithPathAndParameters -Path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisreset.exe" -Arguments @("/stop") Get-SDKUserMatrix | Set-SDKAppPoolUsers Invoke-CallOperatorWithPathAndParameters -Path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\iisreset.exe" -Arguments @("/start") Write-Debug "Updating Installed Microservices" Set-SDKServicePermissions $DatabaseUser $NonDatabaseUser $DevelopmentDatabase 'localhost' Write-Debug "Updating Alkami Common Certificates" Set-SDKCertificateUsers $CertificateUsers # Write-Debug "Installing Alkami Vendor Certificates Chocolatey Package" # & choco upgrade Alkami.DeveloperKit.Certificates.Employee.Vendors -y Write-Host "Environment users updated. You may Start-SDKServices when you are ready to continue, or now may be a good time to reboot." }