## # Deny access to any files with a .php extension in any uploads / files directory # add more folder names to protect as you like ## location ~* /(?:uploads|files)/.*\.php$ { return 418; } ## # Block attempts to access PHPMyAdmin. # If you use phpmyadmin, DO NOT activate this rule !!! # Disabled by default ## location ~* .(administrator|[pP]hp[mM]y[aA]dmin) { return 418; } ## # Protect any config files in your web root ## location ~* /(wp-config.php|nginx.conf|wp-config-sample.php) { return 418; } ## # Block access to anything non image/video/music/document related from your uploads folder. ## location ~* ^/wp-content/uploads/.*.(asp|cgi|htm|html|js|jsp|php|pl|py|sh|shtml|swf)$ { return 418; } ## # Disallows Access to plugin or theme readme files # Also helps block Wordpress Theme Detectors ## location ~* /wp-content/.*.txt$ { return 418; }