# # Copyright (c) 2013-2015,2019-2020,2022 Red Hat. # Copyright (c) 2000-2001,2003 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # This file defines the directories and paths used by PCP # and is installed as the file /etc/pcp.conf for use at run-time. # # Note: the syntax of this file must allow processing to generate # correct variable assignments for both sh and make, # hence there should be no spaces immediately before or after # the equals in each assignment, no quoting on the right of the # equals although the value may contain embedded spaces. # # Shell scripts should never source this file directly, rather they # should use this file indirectly by sourcing /etc/pcp.env, i.e. # . $PCP_DIR/etc/pcp.env # this will handle the quoting and white space issues and set all # "variables" beginning with PCP_ in this file into the environment. # The defaults may be over-ridden by setting $PCP_CONF in the environment # as the full path to an alternate version of this file. # # The "standard paths" reflect the directory structure that is used by # default on the platform on which this file is installed. # # directory for _this_ file ... useful in the build # Standard path: /etc PCP_ETC_DIR=/etc # directory for PCP configuration files # Standard path: /etc/pcp PCP_SYSCONF_DIR=/etc/pcp # directory for rc/startup scripts # Standard path: /etc/init.d PCP_RC_DIR=/usr/libexec/pcp/lib # directory for sysconfig controls # Standard path: /etc/sysconfig (empty if no sysconfig support) PCP_SYSCONFIG_DIR=/etc/sysconfig # directory for public binaries # Standard path: /usr/bin PCP_BIN_DIR=/usr/bin # directory for private PCP binaries (not run directly by users) # Standard path is platform dependent, but generally one of # /usr/libexec/pcp/bin or /usr/lib/pcp/bin or /usr/share/pcp/bin PCP_BINADM_DIR=/usr/libexec/pcp/bin # directory for private PCP libraries (not used directly by users) # Standard path is platform dependent, but generally one of # /usr/libexec/pcp/lib or /usr/lib/pcp/lib or /usr/share/pcp/lib PCP_LIBADM_DIR=/usr/libexec/pcp/lib # directory for runtime shared libraries, libpcp.so, etc. # Standard path: /usr/lib PCP_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib64 PCP_LIB32_DIR=/usr/lib # directory for shared PCP files (shareable for diskless) # Standard path: /usr/share/pcp # Subdirectories: bin lib PCP_SHARE_DIR=/usr/share/pcp # directory for headers # Standard path: /usr/include/pcp PCP_INC_DIR=/usr/include/pcp # parent directory of man pages # Standard path: /usr/man # Subdirectories: man1 man3 man5 PCP_MAN_DIR=/usr/share/man # runtime directory for non-shared (i.e. system local) PCP files # Standard path: /var/lib/pcp # Subdirectories: config pmns (note see $PCP_PMDAS_DIR) for pmdas PCP_VAR_DIR=/var/lib/pcp # path to pmcd config file # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmcd/pmcd.conf PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmcd/pmcd.conf # path to pmcd options file # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmcd/pmcd.options PCP_PMCDOPTIONS_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmcd/pmcd.options # path to site-local pmcd startup script # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmcd/rc.local PCP_PMCDRCLOCAL_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmcd/rc.local # path to pmproxy options file # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmproxy/pmproxy.options PCP_PMPROXYOPTIONS_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmproxy/pmproxy.options # path to pmie control file # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmie/control PCP_PMIECONTROL_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmie/control # path to pmsnap control file # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmsnap/control PCP_PMSNAPCONTROL_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmsnap/control # path to pmlogger control file # Standard path: $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmlogger/control PCP_PMLOGGERCONTROL_PATH=/etc/pcp/pmlogger/control # runtime directory for PCP PMDA files # Standard path: /var/lib/pcp/pmdas # Subdirectories: one per PMDA PCP_PMDAS_DIR=/var/lib/pcp/pmdas # installed files directory for PCP PMDA files # Standard path: /usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas or /usr/lib/pcp/pmdas # Subdirectories: one per PMDA PCP_PMDASADM_DIR=/usr/libexec/pcp/pmdas # directory for PCP pid files # Standard path: /var/run/pcp PCP_RUN_DIR=/run/pcp # directory for PCP daemon log files # Standard path: /var/log/pcp # Subdirectories: pmcd pmlogger pmie PCP_LOG_DIR=/var/log/pcp # parent directory of PCP archive directories # Standard path: /var/log/pcp/pmlogger PCP_ARCHIVE_DIR=/var/log/pcp/pmlogger # default version for generating PCP archives # Possible versions: 2, 3 (3 requires PCP 6+) PCP_ARCHIVE_VERSION=2 # directory for daily PCP activity reports # Standard path: /var/log/pcp/sa PCP_SA_DIR=/var/log/pcp/sa # path to system-wide process accounting file # Standard path: /var/account/pacct PCP_PACCT_SYSTEM_PATH=/var/account/pacct # directory for PCP temp status files # Standard path: /var/lib/pcp/tmp # Subdirectories: pmie pmlogger PCP_TMP_DIR=/var/lib/pcp/tmp # directory for PCP temp work files # Standard path: /var/tmp PCP_TMPFILE_DIR=/var/tmp # directory for PCP documentation # Standard path: /usr/share/doc/pcp PCP_DOC_DIR=/usr/share/doc/pcp PCP_HTML_DIR=/usr/share/doc/pcp-doc/html # directory for PCP demos and examples # Standard path: /usr/share/pcp/demos PCP_DEMOS_DIR=/usr/share/pcp/demos # path to PCP TLS configuration file # Standard path: /etc/pcp/tls.conf PCP_TLSCONF_PATH=/etc/pcp/tls.conf # awk PCP_AWK_PROG="/usr/bin/gawk --posix" # unix-like sort PCP_SORT_PROG=/usr/bin/sort # tools needed to rebuild things on the target platform PCP_MAKE_PROG=/usr/bin/gmake PCP_CC_PROG="gcc " # echo # for lines without newline, use # $PCP_ECHO_PROG $PCP_ECHO_N "string""$PCP_ECHO_C" PCP_ECHO_PROG=/usr/bin/echo PCP_ECHO_N=-n PCP_ECHO_C= # write to the system log PCP_SYSLOG_PROG=logger # running process list PCP_PS_PROG=ps PCP_PS_ALL_FLAGS="-efw" # preferred python executable # Standard program: python, python26, python3 (or empty) PCP_PYTHON_PROG=python3 # preferred perl executable # Standard program: perl (or empty) PCP_PERL_PROG=perl # locate executables PCP_WHICH_PROG=/usr/bin/which # host operating system PCP_PLATFORM=linux PCP_PLATFORM_PATHS=/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin # PCP version PCP_VERSION=6.0.3 # confirmation dialog PCP_XCONFIRM_PROG=/usr/bin/pmconfirm # default account for running daemons (preferably unprivileged) # Standard user: "pcp" and group: "pcp" PCP_USER=pcp PCP_GROUP=pcp # directory for SASL configuration files # Standard path: /etc/sasl2 PCP_SASLCONF_DIR=/etc/sasl2 # directory for systemd unit files, sysusers and tmpfiles specifications # Standard path: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd, /usr/lib/{sysusers,tmpfiles}.d PCP_SYSTEMDUNIT_DIR=/usr/lib/systemd/system PCP_SYSTEMDSYSUSERS_DIR=/usr/lib/sysusers.d PCP_SYSTEMDTMPFILES_DIR=/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d # verbose logging of PCP "rc" scripts launched from init, cron or systemd # ... logging goes to $PCP_LOG_DIR/NOTICES # expect this to be changed manually (to true) if required PCP_LOG_RC_SCRIPTS=false