# GoCD PowerShell script execution plug-in A [GoCD](https://www.go.cd) plugin that executes PowerShell Script Introduction ------------ This is a [task plug-in](https://plugin-api.gocd.io/current/tasks/#task-plugins) plugin for [GoCD](https://www.go.cd) to execute PowerShell script on GoCD agent Installation ------------ Just drop [task.powershell.(version).jar](https://github.com/varchev/go-generic-artifactory-poller/releases) into plugins/external directory and restart GoCD. More details [here](https://docs.go.cd/current/extension_points/plugin_user_guide.html) ![Task Configuration][1] Error Action Preference --------------------- Define error action preference for script execution. It will inject following script into head of script content: $script:ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]:: Script ------------------ Content of script to execute. Content in this text area will be created as temporary PowerShell script file, and then be executed. CPU Architecture ------------------------------- CPU Architecture to run Powershell command [1]: doc/pstask.PNG "Configure task"