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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Test-ServiceManifestRequiresDbAccess {
Used by both categorization and installer package to denote that the manifest requires db access
Using it in both places allows us to change/update the logic if we need to in the future.
.PARAMETER ServiceManifest
[object] <packageManifest><serviceManifest> childnode or equivalent json dotted child
param (
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
# this lets the categorizer pass in an empty or null node to reduce complexity of testing
# Additionally, a bad value clearly means we don't need to check with the database
if ($null -eq $ServiceManifest) {
return $false
# These are necessary for running any migrations etc
$migrationsAssemblies = @($ServiceManifest.migrations.assembly).Where({$null -ne $_})
$migrationsPackages = @($ServiceManifest.migrations.package).Where({$null -ne $_})
$dbRole = $ServiceManifest.db_role
$hasMigrationAssemblies = (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty -Collection $migrationsAssemblies))
$hasMigrationPackages = (!(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty -Collection $migrationsPackages))
$hasDbRole = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dbRole)
$hasAssemblyRole = $false
foreach($assembly in $migrationsAssemblies){
$hasAssemblyRole = $true
# If there is a db role, or an assembly role, or packages then there's no database access required
if ($hasDbRole -or $hasAssemblyRole -or $hasMigrationPackages) {
$databaseAccessRequired = $true
} else {
$databaseAccessRequired = $false
Write-Host "$logLead : Service has migration assemblies [$hasMigrationAssemblies]"
Write-Host "$logLead : Service has migration packages [$hasMigrationPackages]"
Write-Host "$logLead : Service has dbRole [$hasDbRole]"
Write-Host "$logLead : Service requires database access [$databaseAccessRequired] <-- returned value"
return $databaseAccessRequired