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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Load-PesterModules.ps1
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.tests\.', '.'
$functionPath = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath $sut
Write-Host "Overriding SUT: $functionPath"
Import-Module $functionPath -Force
$moduleForMock = ""
#region Set-StaticConfigValues
Describe "Set-StaticConfigValues" {
# Temp file to write content to
$tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$tempPath = $tempFile.Split(".") | Select-Object -First 1
New-Item -ItemType Directory $tempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$orbPath = ($tempPath + "\ORB")
$stagePath = ($tempPath + "\Stage")
if (!(Test-Path $orbPath))
New-Item -ItemType Directory $orbPath | Out-Null
if (!(Test-Path $stagePath))
New-Item -ItemType Directory $stagePath | Out-Null
Write-Warning ("Using temp path: $tempPath for tests")
# Make Directories and Files for Tests
$bankServiceDirectoryORB = New-Item -ItemType Directory ($orbPath + "\BankService")
$bankServiceDirectoryTemp = New-Item -ItemType Directory ($stagePath + "\BankService")
$bankFileNameORB = (Join-Path $bankServiceDirectoryORB "web.config")
$bankFileNameTemp = (Join-Path $bankServiceDirectoryTemp "new.web.config")
# This is a bogus config file that covers everything we want to modify
# Intentionally set with all the wrong values
$utfNoBOM = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)
$sampleBankContent = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
For a description of web.config changes for .NET 4.5 see
<customErrors mode="Detailed" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.2" />
<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" clientIDMode="AutoID" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Authentication/Index" defaultUrl="~/Authentication/Authenticated" timeout="30" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enableCrossAppRedirects="false" protection="Encryption" requireSSL="true" />
<add address="*" maxconnection="2048" />
<httpErrors existingResponse="PassThrough" errorMode="Detailed" />
<modules />
<clear />
<add value="BankService.svc" />
<add value="BankManagementService.svc" />
<add value="ValidationService.svc" />
<trace autoflush="true" />
<source name="System.ServiceModel" propagateActivity="true" switchValue="Error">
<!-- Error,ActivityTracing -->
<add name="logListener" />
<add key="ShouldDisplayUncaughtExceptions" value="true" />
<add key="ForceUseOfProductionAssetsInDebug" value="false" />
<add key="FakeSetting" value="FakeValue" />
<add key="Broadcasters" value="fakeserver.fh.local," />
<add key="IsTransactionCachingEnabled" value="false" />
<add key="quartz.scheduler.instanceName" value="FakeValue" />
<glimpse defaultRuntimePolicy="On" endpointBaseUri="~/Glimpse.axd">
# Save our Bank File
Save-XMLFile $bankFileNameORB $sampleBankContent $utfNoBOM
# Save out Temp File and Modify App Settings for Testing Purposes
$sampleBankContent | Out-File $bankFileNameTemp -Force
[xml]$xml = GC $bankFileNameTemp
# Change some App Settings for Validation
Set-XmlNodeValue $xml "//appSettings/add[@key='FakeSetting']" "value" "WrongValue"
Set-XmlNodeValue $xml "//quartz/add[@key='quartz.scheduler.instanceName']" "value" "WrongValue"
# Remove the Broadcasters Node for Validation
$asNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings")
$bcNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='Broadcasters']")
$tcNode = $xml.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='IsTransactionCachingEnabled']")
# Save the File
Save-XMLFile $bankFileNameTemp $xml.OuterXml $utfNoBOM
$tempXml = GC $bankFileNameTemp
# Execute the Function and Read the Results as XML
Set-StaticConfigValues @( $bankFileNameORB, $bankFileNameTemp ) $bankServiceDirectoryTemp $bankServiceDirectoryORB -Verbose
[xml]$validation = GC $bankFileNameTemp
Context "Setting Static Configuration Values" {
It "Sets ShouldDisplayUncaughtExceptions to 'false'" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='ShouldDisplayUncaughtExceptions']").Value | Should Be "false"
It "Sets ForceUseOfProductionAssetsInDebug to 'true'" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='ForceUseOfProductionAssetsInDebug']").Value | Should Be "true"
It "Sets compilation.debug to 'false'" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//system.web/compilation[@debug]").Debug | Should Be "false"
It "Sets httpErrors.errorMode to 'DetailedLocalOnly'" {
It "Sets forms.cookieless to 'UseCookies'" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//authentication/forms[@cookieless]").cookieless | Should Be "UseCookies"
It "Sets glimpse.defaultRuntimePolicy to 'Off'" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//glimpse[@defaultRuntimePolicy]").defaultRuntimePolicy | Should Be "Off"
It "Sets customErrors.mode to 'RemoteOnly'" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//customErrors").mode | Should Be "RemoteOnly"
Context "Copying Child Nodes of Config Sections" {
It "Copies appSettings Values from the deployed config to the new config" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='FakeSetting']").Value | Should Be "FakeValue"
It "Copies quartz Values from from the deployed config to the new config" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//quartz/add[@key='quartz.scheduler.instanceName']").Value | Should Be "FakeValue"
It "Removes All Child Nodes from system.diagnostics to Disable WCF Tracing" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//system.diagnostics").ChildNodes.Count | Should Be 0
Context "Creating Config Values Which Do Not Exist" {
It "Creates the IsTransactionCachingEnabled Node with the Previous Value If it Doesn't Exist" {
$validation.SelectSingleNode("//appSettings/add[@key='IsTransactionCachingEnabled']").Value | Should Be "false"
#endregion Set-StaticConfigValues