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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Test-IsDeveloperMachine {
Is the current machine a developer's environment or a QA/Staging/Production environment?
.PARAMETER ComputerName
What computer do we check, defaults to localhost
param (
[string]$ComputerName = 'localhost'
$environmentType = (Get-EnvironmentType -ComputerName $ComputerName)
$environmentTypeNames = @('Development', 'Unknown', 'SDK', 'Sandbox', '', $null)
if ((Select-AlkamiTeaServers -Servers $ComputerName) -or
(Select-AlkamiAppServers -Servers $ComputerName) -or
(Select-AlkamiMicServers -Servers $ComputerName) -or
(Select-AlkamiWebServers -Servers $ComputerName)) {
return $false
} else {
return ($environmentTypeNames -contains $environmentType)
Set-Alias -Name Test-IsDevelopmentEnvironment -Value Test-IsDeveloperMachine
# If the tag doesn't exist this is a development machine or should be treated as such.
# This is the only place that we can accept a missing env-type var
# return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($environmentType)) -or ($environmentTypeNames -contains $environmentType)