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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Use-TerraformVersion {
This function will ensure that the version of Terraform in your runtime is the version you want to run.
If you already have a version of terraform downloaded it will just use that version. If not it will download the version to your profile.
This function will ensure the version of terraform you have selected is in the path.
The version of terraform to use. Supplying a garbage value will print the list of available values.
.PARAMETER UseLatestVersion
Use the latest version.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$terraformExe = "terraform.exe"
# Get the version list to verify what you can work with
$baseUrl = ""
$releaseDocument = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri (Join-UrlComponents -BaseUrl $baseUrl -Path "terraform/") -UseBasicParsing -Method Get)
$links = $releaseDocument.get_links()
$latestVersion = $null
$versions = @{}
foreach ($link in $links) {
$text = ($link.outerHtml -split '>' -split '<')[2]
$url = $link.href
$versionSplits = ($text -split '_' -split '-')
$packageVersion = $versionSplits[1]
if (($null -ne $url) -and ($url.IndexOf('terraform') -gt -1) -and ($versionSplits.Count -eq 2)) {
$entry = @{ url = (Join-UrlComponents -BaseUrl $baseUrl -Path $url,"terraform_$($packageVersion)"); text = $text; version = $packageVersion; }
if ($null -eq $latestVersion) {
$latestVersion = $entry
$versions[$packageVersion] = $entry
if ($UseLatestVersion) {
$Version = $latestVersion.version
$targetVersion = $versions[$Version]
if ($null -eq $targetVersion) {
Write-Warning "The specified version [$Version] does not exist in the lookup list."
Write-Host "The available versions are:"
Show-ListAsTable ($versions.Keys | Sort-Object -Descending)
throw "The specified version [$Version] does not exist in the lookup list."
$targetPath = (Expand-Path -Path "~/.terraform/$Version")
$terraformPath = (Join-Path $targetPath $terraformExe)
$downloadPath = (Join-Path $targetPath "")
if (!(Test-Path $targetPath)) {
(New-Directory -Path $targetPath) | Out-Null
if (!(Test-Path $terraformPath)) {
Write-Host "Downloading version [$($Version)] from [$(targetVersion.url)] to [$downloadPath]"
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $targetVersion.url -OutFile $downloadPath -Method Get)
Expand-Archive -Path $downloadPath -DestinationPath $targetPath
# Assert that the file exists
if (!(Test-Path $terraformPath)) {
throw "Something has gone wrong, and there is no $terraformExe @ [$terraformPath]"
# now we have a folder that contains our exe file, let's set the path to reference the one we want
$existingLocation = (Get-Command -Name $terraformExe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$folderToRemove = $null
if ($null -ne $existingLocation) {
# the terraform.exe path is already on our %PATH% so we want to remove it
# Find the folder from the path
$folderToRemove = (Split-Path -Path $existingLocation.Path -Parent)
Write-Host "Ensuring the correct path is set at the machine (removed if set), user and process levels so you can use the right version right away"
if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($folderToRemove)) {
Set-PathVariable -StoreName Machine -Remove $folderToRemove
Set-PathVariable -StoreName User -Prepend $targetPath -Remove $folderToRemove
Set-PathVariable -StoreName 'Process' -Prepend $targetPath -Remove $folderToRemove