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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
Builds the Alkami.PowerShell module system
.PARAMETER Configuration
The MSBuild build configuration to use. Typically Release or Debug
Should MSBuild clean the project first?
.PARAMETER AsBuildServer
Run the tests on a developer machine as a build server
Run tests after the build
.PARAMETER WithAnalyzer
Run PSScriptAnalyzer on the project
Run with the least options possible
Run with the most options possible
$Configuration = "Release",
if ($Fast) {
$WithTests = $false
$WithAnalyzer = $false
$Full = $false
if ($Full) {
$WithTests = $true
$WithAnalyzer = $true
. $PSScriptRoot\.build\Load-Includes.ps1
$AsBuildServer = $AsBuildServer -or (Test-IsTeamCityProcess)
Function Get-ProjectsAndDependencies {
$projectlist = New-Object PsObject @{ }
$projectlist["Carbon"] = New-Object PsObject @{ ProjectId = "Carbon"; ModuleVersion = "2.5.0"; RequiredModules = @(); }
$psdList = Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot *.psd1 -recurse
foreach ($file in $psdList) {
$projectId = $file.BaseName
$capturePSDasVariable = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $file.FullName
$requiredModules = @($capturePSDasVariable.RequiredModules)
$moduleVersion = $capturePSDasVariable.ModuleVersion
$projectlist[$projectId] = New-Object PsObject @{ ProjectId = $projectId; ModuleVersion = $moduleVersion; RequiredModules = $requiredModules }
return $projectlist
Function Get-XmlWriterSettings {
$xmlsettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
$xmlsettings.Indent = $true
$xmlsettings.IndentChars = "`t"
return $xmlsettings
# We don't run this locally.
if ($AsBuildServer) {
## Gather the latest version and required dependencies from all modules.
$projectList = (Get-ProjectsAndDependencies)
$xmlsettings = (Get-XmlWriterSettings)
$nuspeclist = (Get-ChildItem *.nuspec -recurse)
foreach ($file in $nuspeclist) {
## If there is no psd1 in this folder, don't change anything
if (!(Get-ChildItem -Path $file.Parent.FullName *.psd1 -Recurse)) {
Write-Host "No PSD1 found in [$($file.Parent.FullName)]"
## Don't muck with the global object
$myProjectList = $projectlist.Clone()
$xml = [Xml](Get-Content $file)
$projectName = $
if ($null -ne $xml.package.metadata.dependencies) {
foreach ($dependency in $xml.package.metadata.dependencies) {
## If the dependency isn't Alkami centric (example: Carbon) then we will just be keeping it
if (($null -ne $dependency) -and ($null -ne $ -and ($ -notmatch 'Alkami') -and !($myProjectList.ContainsKey($ {
$projectId = $
$moduleVersion = $dependency.version
$myProjectlist[$projectId] = New-Object PsObject -Properties @{ ProjectId = $projectId; ModuleVersion = $moduleVersion; RequiredModules = @() }
## Add this item to the tree
$myProjectList[$projectName].RequiredModules += $projectId
$myDependencies = $myProjectList[$projectName].RequiredModules | Sort-Object
if (!!($xml.GetElementsByTagName("dependencies"))[0]) {
($xml.package.metadata.RemoveChild(($xml.GetElementsByTagName("dependencies"))[0])) | Out-Null
$dependencyList = $xml.CreateElement("dependencies")
## Write out all of the dependencies of this project
foreach ($dependencyId in $myDependencies) {
$dependency = $myProjectlist[$dependencyId]
## Create required dependencies with the latest version of the module in the current branch
if ($dependency) {
$node = $xml.CreateElement("dependency")
($node.SetAttribute("id", $dependency.ProjectId)) | Out-Null
($node.SetAttribute("version", $dependency.ModuleVersion)) | Out-Null
if ($null -ne $node) {
($dependencyList.AppendChild($node)) | Out-Null
($xml.package.metadata.AppendChild($dependencyList)) | Out-Null
$sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
$writer = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($sb, $xmlSettings)
## Update the actual XML element with the values in the XmlWriter
($xml.Save($writer)) | Out-Null
## Save the content of the XML file back to disk where we found the original one.
(Set-Content -Value $sb.ToString() -Path $file.FullName) | Out-Null
Function Get-AnalyzerResults {
process {
$failingResults = @()
$folderTypes = @('Public','Private')
foreach ($folderType in $folderTypes) {
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $FolderPath $folderType)) {
$testFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path $FolderPath $folderType) "*.ps1" -recurse)
foreach ($file in $testFiles) {
Write-Verbose "Analyzing $file"
$reportSummary = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer $file.FullName -Severity Error,Warning
if (!!($reportSummary)) {
$failingResults += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Filename = $file.FullName; TestResult = $null; Analyzer = $reportSummary; }
return $failingResults
$results = @()
(Get-ChildItem $PSScriptRoot -Directory) | ForEach-Object {
$FolderPath = $_.FullName;
& $PSScriptRoot\build-project.ps1 $FolderPath $Configuration -CleanFirst:$CleanFirst -AsBuildServer:$AsBuildServer
if ($WithAnalyzer) {
$results += Get-AnalyzerResults $FolderPath
## TeamCity does something else here
## This is intended to only run if we're in development
if ($WithTests) {
$results += .\test-solution.ps1 -NoAnalyzer
if ($WithAnalyzer -or $WithTests) {
return $results