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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Update-CertBindings {
Updates all sites in IIS using a certificate to a new certificate if the existing certificate's thumbprint matches the value passed in.
.PARAMETER existingCertThumbprint
The existing Cert Thumprint. This must be passed in with the spaces "10 11 14 be"
.PARAMETER replacementCertThumbprint
The replacement Cert Thumprint. This must be passed in with the spaces "10 11 14 be"
$existingCertByteArray = $existingCertThumbprint.Split(" ") | ForEach-Object { [CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)}
$existingCertThumbprint = $existingCertThumbprint -replace " "
$existingCert = Get-ChildItem -PATH "CERT:\\LocalMachine\My\$existingCertThumbprint" -Recurse
if (!$existingCert)
throw "Unable to find existing cert in the store with the thumbprint $existingCertThumbprint"
$replacementCertByteArray = $replacementCertThumbprint.Split(" ") | ForEach-Object { [CONVERT]::toint16($_,16)}
$replacementCertThumbprint = $replacementCertThumbprint -replace " "
$replacementCert = Get-ChildItem -PATH "CERT:\\LocalMachine\My\$replacementCertThumbprint" -Recurse
if (!$replacementCert)
throw "Unable to find replacement cert in the store with the thumbprint $replacementCertThumbprint"
$serverManager = New-Object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager
foreach ($site in $serverManager.sites) {
$applicableBindings = $site.Bindings | Where-Object {$null -ne $_.CertificateHash}
if ($applicableBindings.Count -eq 0)
Write-Host ("Site {0} does not have any existing certificate bindings." -f $site.Name)
foreach ($binding in $applicableBindings)
$hash = $binding.CertificateHash
#Write-Host ("Certificate Hash for site {0} is $hash" -f $binding.CertificateHash)
if (@(Compare-Object $hash $existingCertByteArray -sync 0).Length -eq 0)
Write-Host ("Updating binding for site {0}" -f $site.Name)
$existingBinding = $binding
$existingBinding.CertificateHash = $replacementCertByteArray
Save-IISServerManagerChanges $serverManager
elseif (@(Compare-Object $hash $replacementCertByteArray -sync 0).Length -eq 0)
Write-Host ("The binding for site {0} is already using the new certificate" -f $site.Name)
Write-Host ("The binding cert hash did not match the old or new certificate for site {0}." -f $site.Name)