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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Set-SMSvcHostSids {
Checks to see if the SMSvcHost.exe.config contains permissions for SIDs for the DBMS and Micro accounts. Adds them and the containing xml nodes if not.
$logLead = (Get-LogLeadName);
$configFilePath = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\SMSvcHost.exe.config"
$dbmsAccountName = Get-AppSetting "DatabaseMicroServiceAccount"
$dbmsSid = $null
if($null -ne $dbmsAccountName)
$dbmsSid = Get-SIDFromUserName $dbmsAccountName
else {
throw ("$logLead : Machine.config must have an appsetting value for the dbms account.")
$microAccountName = Get-AppSetting "NonDatabaseMicroServiceAccount"
$microSid = $null
if($null -ne $microAccountName)
$microSid = Get-SIDFromUserName $microAccountName
else {
throw ("$logLead : Machine.config must have an appsetting value for the micro account.")
try {
[Xml]$smSvcHostConfig = Read-XMLFile $configFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($smSvcHostConfig)) {
throw ("$logLead : The SMSvcHost.exe.config config file could not be found")
catch {
throw ("$logLead : The SMSvcHost.exe.config config file could not be read or is invalid.")
$configFileIsDirty = $false;
$xmlBlock = [xml]"<system.serviceModel.activation>
<net.tcp listenBacklog=`"10`" maxPendingConnections=`"100`" maxPendingAccepts=`"2`" receiveTimeout=`"00:00:10`" teredoEnabled=`"false`">
<add securityIdentifier=`"$dbmsSid`" />
<add securityIdentifier=`"$microSid`" />
$xmlNodeNames = @(
$nullNodeName = $null;
$knownParentNode = "configuration";
foreach ($xmlNodeName in $xmlNodeNames) {
if($smSvcHostConfig.SelectNodes("//$xmlNodeName").Count -eq 0)
$nullNodeName = $xmlNodeName
else {
$knownParentNode = $xmlNodeName
if(($null -eq $nullNodeName) -or ($nullNodeName -eq "add"))
$dbmsNode = $smSvcHostConfig.SelectNodes("//add[@securityIdentifier='$dbmsSid']")
# test for existing sids
# just 2 potential SIDs here, so not bothering with complex loop logic.
if($null -eq $dbmsNode -or $dbmsNode.Count -eq 0 )
Write-Verbose ("$logLead : Dbms SID does not exist. New SIDs being added.")
$configFileIsDirty = $true;
$newNode = [xml]"<add securityIdentifier=`"$dbmsSid`" />";
$smSvcHostConfig.SelectSingleNode("//allowAccounts").AppendChild($smSvcHostConfig.ImportNode($newNode.add, $true))
$microNode = $smSvcHostConfig.SelectNodes("//add[@securityIdentifier='$microSid']")
if($null -eq $microNode -or $microNode.Count -eq 0 )
Write-Verbose ("$logLead : Micro SID does not exist. New SIDs being added.")
$configFileIsDirty = $true;
$newNode = [xml]"<add securityIdentifier=`"$microSid`" />";
$smSvcHostConfig.SelectSingleNode("//allowAccounts").AppendChild($smSvcHostConfig.ImportNode($newNode.add, $true))
else {
Write-Verbose ("$logLead : $nullNodeName does not exist. New SIDs being added.")
$configFileIsDirty = $true
# This could be one line, but it's far more readable split out like this.
$newNodes = $xmlBlock.SelectSingleNode("//$nullNodeName");
$importedNodes = $smSvcHostConfig.ImportNode($newNodes, $true);
if ($configFileIsDirty) {
Write-Host ("$logLead : Saving the Modified The SMSvcHost.exe.config Configuration File" -f $nrConfigPath)
$utfNoBOM = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)
try {
Save-XMLFile $configFilePath $smSvcHostConfig.OuterXml.Replace('xmlns="" ', [String]::Empty) $utfNoBOM
catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Warning ("$logLead : Saving file failed.")
Write-Warning ("$logLead : $ErrorMessage")
else {
Write-Host "$logLead : No Changes Required to The SMSvcHost.exe.config"