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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Get-InstalledPackages {
Returns a list of package names/versions deployed on the server, whether the installations
are managed by Chocolatey or Service Fabric.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
The host name of the server to get installed packages from.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ComputerName = "localhost"
$packages = $null;
$loglead = (Get-LogLeadName);
$isLocalFabServer = ($ComputerName -eq "localhost") -and (Test-IsServiceFabricServer);
$isRemoteFabServer = ($null -ne (Select-AlkamiFabServers $ComputerName));
if($isLocalFabServer -or $isRemoteFabServer) {
# Fetch Service Fabric Packages
Write-Verbose "$loglead Determined $ComputerName is a Service Fabric server.";
Connect-AlkamiServiceFabricCluster -hostname $ComputerName;
$packages = (Get-AlkamiServiceFabricApplications -ComputerName $ComputerName);
} else {
# Fetch Chocolatey Packages
Write-Verbose "$loglead Determined $ComputerName is a Chocolatey managed server.";
$script = {
$result = (Get-ChocoState -local);
# Return the results in a map so PS doesn't put needless PSComputerName/RunspaceId properties on every package.
return @{ Result = $result };
$packages = (Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $script).Result;
return $packages;