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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Wait-AlkamiServiceFabricUpgrades {
Waits until the specified package deployments are complete in Service Fabric.
Throws an error if any of the packages failed to deploy and were rolled back.
[int]$timeoutMinutes = 30,
[int]$sleepIntervalSeconds = 15
$packages = $packages | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.Version) };
if(($null -eq $packages) -or ($packages.Count -eq 0)) {
Write-Host "$loglead : No packages were specified. Returning.";
$loglead = (Get-LogLeadName);
Write-Host "$loglead : Waiting for upgrades of $($packages.Count) packages to complete.";
$completedStates = @("RollingForwardCompleted", "RollingBackCompleted", "Failed");
$successState = $completedStates[0];
# Keep looping until all of the requested deployments are finished, or the deployment lasts longer than the timeout period.
$stopwatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew();
while($true) {
# Grab all of the upgrade status objects for each of the packages from Service Fabric.
$packageUpgradeStates = @();
foreach($package in $packages) {
# Look for the upgrade of the service.
Write-Verbose "$loglead : Getting upgrade status for package $($package.Name)";
if($package.IsReliableService) {
$applicationName = Format-AlkamiServiceFabricApplicationName -name $package.ApplicationTypeName -version $package.Version;
} else {
$applicationName = Format-AlkamiServiceFabricApplicationName -name $package.Name -version $package.Version -environmentName $environmentName;
$applicationName = "fabric:/$applicationName";
$upgradeStatus = Get-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade -ApplicationName $applicationName;
$packageUpgradeStates += $upgradeStatus;
# If there are still deployments running sleep, and the loop goes on
$incompleteDeployments = $packageUpgradeStates | Where-Object { $completedStates -notcontains $_.UpgradeState };
if($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMinutes -gt $timeoutMinutes) {
Write-Error "$loglead : Service Fabric Upgrades have exceeded timeout window of $timeoutMinutes minutes. Exiting.";
} elseif($null -ne $incompleteDeployments) {
Write-Host "$loglead : Service Fabric Upgrades are still in progress for $($incompleteDeployments.Count) packages. Waiting $($sleepIntervalSeconds)s.";
Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleepIntervalSeconds;
# If we've made it here the deployments are complete.
# Verify that all of the deployments finished successfully, and are the correct versions.
$failure = $false;
foreach($state in $packageUpgradeStates) {
if($state.UpgradeState -ne $successState) {
Write-Error "$loglead : Upgrade of package $($state.ApplicationTypeName) was unsuccessful. Status: $($state.UpgradeState)" -ErrorAction Continue;
$failure = $true;
if($failure) {
Write-Error "$loglead : One or more Service Fabric package upgrades were not successful. Investigate!";
# All of the deployments are complete. Break the loop.
Write-Host "$loglead : Package upgrades are complete.";