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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
## If the parameter was actually specified and it's false, then we should actually reload
## The business logic of this method is that unless told to do otherwise, we expect to unload and reload modules
$globalSuppressReload = !!$global:SuppressReload
$shouldReload = !$DontReload.IsPresent -or ($DontReload.IsPresent -and !$DontReload) -or !$globalSuppressReload
if ($shouldReload) {
Get-Module WebAdministration | Remove-Module -Force
$orderedModules = @(
$rootFolder = $PSScriptRoot
$isTeamCityProcess = !([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ENV:TEAMCITY_JRE)) #Same as Test-IsTeamCityProcess
foreach ($targetModuleName in $orderedModules) {
$targetModulePath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $rootFolder $targetModuleName) "$targetModuleName.psd1")
$targetModuleInternalsPath = (Join-Path (Join-Path $rootFolder $targetModuleName) "$targetModuleName.psm1")
try {
$existingModule = (Get-Module $targetModuleName)
if($null -ne $existingModule) {
$isInExpectedPath = ($existingModule.Path -eq $targetModuleInternalsPath)
if ($isInExpectedPath -and ($isTeamCityProcess -or $DontReload)) {
Write-Verbose "Skipping module $targetModuleName as it has already been loaded from $targetModulePath and we should not reload (TeamCity or DontReload flag)"
if (!$isInExpectedPath) {
Write-Warning "[$targetModuleName] loaded from [$($existingModule.Path)] and not from [$targetModulePath]"
if (!$isInExpectedPath -or $shouldReload) {
Write-Verbose "Removing $targetModuleName"
Remove-Module $targetModuleName -Force
if ($null -eq (Get-Module $targetModuleName)) {
#If we've made it this far, the $targetModulePath module needs to be loaded
Import-Module $targetModulePath -Force -Global
Write-Verbose "Loaded $targetModuleName from $targetModulePath"
} catch {
Write-Host "`$orderedModules ($targetModuleName) Exception: $_"