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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Load-PesterModules.ps1
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.tests\.', '.'
$functionPath = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath $sut
Write-Host "Overriding SUT: $functionPath"
Import-Module $functionPath -Force
$moduleForMock = ""
Describe "Get-ChocolateyParameterString" {
$testCases = @()
foreach($testCase in @(
@{Name = 'Alkami.Api.OrbFX'; Short = 'ORBFX';}
@{Name = 'Alkami.Api.CUFX'; Short = 'CUFX';}
@{Name = 'Alkami.Security.RPSTS'; Short = 'RP-STS';}
@{Name = "Alkami.App.Providers.SymConnectMultiplexer"; Short = "SymConnect";}
@{Name = 'unknown package name'; Short = 'unknown package name';}
)) {
$testCases += @{
caseDescription = 'Matches the expected response string when only package is specified'
package = @{ Name = $testCase.Name }
testName = $testCase.Name
environment = ''
runMigrations = $false
startService = $false
outputExpected = '"/MigrationsEnabled:false /Alkami.Installer.ServiceStartupMode:false "'
$testCases += @{
caseDescription = 'Matches the expected response string when environment is not empty'
package = @{ Name = $testCase.Name }
testName = $testCase.Name
environment = 'Not A Real Environment'
runMigrations = $false
startService = $false
outputExpected = ('"/MigrationsEnabled:false /Alkami.Installer.ServiceStartupMode:false /NewRelicAppName:''Not A Real Environment {0}''"' -f $testCase.Short)
$testCases += @{
caseDescription = 'Matches the expected response string when runMigrations is true'
package = @{ Name = $testCase.Name }
testName = $testCase.Name
environment = ''
runMigrations = $true
startService = $false
outputExpected = '"/MigrationsEnabled:true /Alkami.Installer.ServiceStartupMode:false "'
$testCases += @{
caseDescription = 'Matches the expected response string when startServices is true'
package = @{ Name = $testCase.Name }
testName = $testCase.Name
environment = ''
runMigrations = $false
startService = $true
outputExpected = '"/MigrationsEnabled:false /Alkami.Installer.ServiceStartupMode:true "'
$testCases += @{
caseDescription = 'Matches the expected response string when environment is not empty and runMigrations is true and startServices is true'
package = @{ Name = $testCase.Name }
testName = $testCase.Name
environment = 'Not A Real Environment'
runMigrations = $true
startService = $true
outputExpected = ('"/MigrationsEnabled:true /Alkami.Installer.ServiceStartupMode:true /NewRelicAppName:''Not A Real Environment {0}''"' -f $testCase.Short)
Context "Test basic scenarios" {
It "<caseDescription> for <testName>" -TestCases $testCases {
(Get-ChocolateyParameterString -package $package -environment $environment -runMigrations $runMigrations -startService $startService) | Should -Be $outputExpected