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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Repair-AlkamiDeveloperLoginsAndStartServices {
Repair the developer environment to start services and cleanup other things
This command will do the following unless overridden
* Flush DNS cache via ipconfig
* Update group policy definitions to ensure you aren't missing AD concerns
* This can take a while to complete
* Ensures ACL are properly set on certificates
* Reset the Windows Performance Counter cache
* Clears the ASP.NET Temp Folder (under C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET)
* This will restart IIS, you may want to skip that step if you don't need to clear those files.
* Clearing those files causes WebClient to take much longer to start back up
* Stops the Windows Services, resets their gMSA facility, and restarts them
* Pings the WCF IIS services (such as BankService) to "warm the cache"
* Grant logon as a service rights
Why does the "gMSA facility" need to be "reset"?
- This is because gMSA accounts like corp\dev.dbms$ are actually passworded accounts,
it's just a seamlessly shared password to your machine via Active Directory.
Those accounts can't be used for interactive login, but the credentials
can be used to communicate with AD governed resources, such as SQL Server, or
the use of network ports typically reserved for OS level (80, 443, etc).
Because it _does_ have a password, and because Alkami rotates passwords,
sometimes the "password" "stored" on your machine is stale, so AD will not
reauthenticate the service.
The functionality to "reset" the "gMSA facility" is maintained by SRE, so it
stays in line with the rest of Alkami's best-practices, and you should be able
to rely on this script being updated if SRE makes changes.
Skip flushing the DNS resolver cached entries and group-policy updates
.PARAMETER SkipResetCounter
Skip resetting the Windows Performance Counter cache
.PARAMETER SkipCertificates
Will not ensure ACLs on expected certificates
Skip flushing the ASP Temp cache
.PARAMETER SkipResetServices
Will not reset services (you probably wanted to do this exact function tho)
.PARAMETER SkipPingServices
Will not ping services such as BankService to "warm the cache"
.PARAMETER SkipGrantLogonRights
Will not grant logon rights to the default services
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
if (-not $SkipFlushDNS) {
Write-Host "Flushing DNS"
ipconfig /flushdns
Write-Host "Updating GroupPolicy"
gpupdate /force
if (-not $SkipResetCounter) {
Write-Host "Resetting windows performance counters"
lodctr /r
} catch {
Write-Host "Reattempting to reset windows performance counters from the C:\ directory"
$whereWasI = Get-Location
Set-Location -Path C:\
lodctr /r
$whereWasI | Set-Location
if (-not $SkipCertificates) {
$usernames = (Get-SDKUserMatrix).Where({ $_.RequiresCertAccess -eq $true }).DomainUsername
if ($usernames -contains 'CORP\dev.dbms$') {
$usernames += 'CORP\dev.micro$'
Repair-SDKAlkamiDeveloperCertificatePermissions -PermittedIdentities $usernames
if (-not $SkipClrAsp) {
iisreset /stop
Write-Host "Clearing temp files"
iisreset /start
if (-not $SkipGrantLogonRights) {
$usernames = (Get-SDKUserMatrix).DomainUsername
if ($usernames -contains 'CORP\dev.dbms$') {
$usernames += 'CORP\dev.micro$'
foreach ($username in $usernames) {
Grant-UserLogonAsServiceRights -Username $username
if (-not $SkipResetServices) {
$redisServices = Get-ServiceInfoByCIMFragment -Fragment "redis-"
foreach ($redisService in $redisServices) {
Start-AlkamiService $redisService.Name
if (-not $SkipPingServices) {
Write-Host "Pinging services"
Ping-AlkamiServices -skipCheck
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to ping services"
Set-Alias -Name FixLogins -Value Repair-AlkamiDeveloperLoginsAndStartServices