
55 lines
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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
function Invoke-TopshelfPath {
Used to call a topshelf path and look for errors.
This function is basically just a wrapper for unit-testing purposes.
The file path being invoked
.PARAMETER Arguments
This value just gets splatted as passed in.
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
try {
$output = @(Invoke-CallOperatorWithPathAndParameters $Path @($Arguments))
# This doesn't usually return an exit code for Topshelf
$didFailByExitCode = ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)
$errorMessage = "Service failed by return of exit code other than 0"
$didFailByErrorText = $false
# Checking the first line of output for the text Error.
if ($output[0] -match "Error") {
$errorMessage = $output[1]
$didFailByErrorText = $true
# look for other exceptions. This won't catch everything, but should get a lot.
foreach ($line in $output) {
if ($line -match "Win32Exception") {
$errorMessage = $line.Split(':', 2)
$didFailByErrorText = $true
Write-Verbose ($output -join '`r`n')
if ($didFailByExitCode -or $didFailByErrorText) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : [$Path] failed on run. Output printed to verbose stream above."
throw "[$Path] failed to execute.`r`n$errorMessage"
} finally {
# Keeping a `finally` because you can't have a try without either `catch` or `finally`
Write-Verbose "$logLead : done"