
329 lines
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2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00
. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\Load-PesterModules.ps1
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.tests\.', '.'
$functionPath = Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath $sut
Write-Host "Overriding SUT: $functionPath"
Import-Module $functionPath -Force
$moduleForMock = ""
#region Get-LocalNlbIp
# Handle the AWS Native Functions When AWSPowerShell Not Available
if ($null -eq (Get-Command "Get-EC2NetworkInterface" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
function Get-EC2NetworkInterface {
throw "This Should Never Be Actually Called"
Describe "Get-LocalNlbIp" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Test-IsAws { return $true }
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-EC2NetworkInterface { return $null }
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-1a";
$pod6Instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleWeb},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueEnvironmentProd},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "6"}
return $pod6Instance
Context "When Environment Names Overlap" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-EC2NetworkInterface {
# args[1] is an ec2 filter based on the AvailabilityZone from the current instance
$ec2Filter = $args[1]
Write-Warning "Using EC2 Filter Value: $($ec2Filter.Values)"
$possibleReturns = @(
@{ "Description"="ELB net/12.6-prod-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"},
@{ "Description"="ELB net/6-prod-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
return $possibleReturns | Where-Object {$_.AvailabilityZone -like $ec2Filter.Values}
It "Returns the Correct IP When Searching for POD 6 and 12.6 is Available" {
Get-LocalNlbIp | Should -Be ""
Context "When the Environment is an App Server" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-1a";
$pod6Instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleApp},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueEnvironmentProd},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "6"}
return $pod6Instance
It "Writes a Warning" {
( Get-LocalNlbIp 3>&1 ) -match "This is currently running on an app server." | Should -Be $true
Context "Environment Tag Switch" {
$validEnvironments = @("Prod", "DR")
foreach ($Global:podBasedEnvironment in $validEnvironments) {
It "Uses the alk:pod tag when the environment is $podBasedEnvironment" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-1a";
$pod6Instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleWeb},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = "$podBasedEnvironment"},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "Pass"},
@{Key = "alk:lane"; Value = "Fail"}
return $pod6Instance
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-EC2NetworkInterface {
# args[1] is an ec2 filter based on the NLB name constructed from the current instance
$ec2Filter = $args[1]
Write-Warning "Using EC2 Filter Value: $($ec2Filter.Values)"
$possibleReturns = @(
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Pass-$podBasedEnvironment-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"},
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Fail-$podBasedEnvironment-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"},
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Fail-staging-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
return $possibleReturns | Where-Object {$_.AvailabilityZone -like $ec2Filter.Values}
Get-LocalNlbIp | Should -Be
It "Uses the alk:lane tag when the environment is Staging" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-1a";
$pod6Instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleWeb},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueEnvironmentStaging},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "Fail"},
@{Key = "alk:lane"; Value = "Pass"}
return $pod6Instance
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-EC2NetworkInterface {
# args[1] is an ec2 filter based on the NLB name constructed from the current instance
$ec2Filter = $args[1]
Write-Warning "Using EC2 Filter Value: $($ec2Filter.Values)"
$possibleReturns = @(
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Pass-staging-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"},
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Fail-staging-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Fail-prod-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
return $possibleReturns | Where-Object {$_.AvailabilityZone -like $ec2Filter.Values}
Get-LocalNlbIp | Should -Be
$validEnvironments = @("Dev", "QA")
foreach ($Global:designationBasedEnvironment in $validEnvironments) {
It "Uses the alk:designation tag when the environment is $designationBasedEnvironment" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-1a";
$instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleWeb},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = "$designationBasedEnvironment"},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "Fail"},
@{Key = "alk:lane"; Value = "Fail"},
@{Key = "alk:designation"; Value = "Pass"}
return $instance
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-EC2NetworkInterface {
# args[1] is an ec2 filter based on the NLB name constructed from the current instance
$ec2Filter = $args[1]
Write-Warning "Using EC2 Filter Value: $($ec2Filter.Values)"
$possibleReturns = @(
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Pass-$designationBasedEnvironment-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"},
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Fail-$designationBasedEnvironment-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Fail-prod-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
return $possibleReturns | Where-Object {$_.AvailabilityZone -like $ec2Filter.Values}
Get-LocalNlbIp | Should -Be
Context "Error Scenarios" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-EC2NetworkInterface {
# args[1] is an ec2 filter based on the NLB name constructed from the current instance
$ec2Filter = $args[1]
Write-Warning "Using EC2 Filter Value: $($ec2Filter.Values)"
$possibleReturns = @(
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Pass-$podBasedEnvironment-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"},
@{ "Description"="ELB net/Pass-$podBasedEnvironment-nlb-something"; Id="Test"; "AvailabilityZone"="us-east-1a"; "PrivateIpAddress"=""; InterfaceType="network_load_balancer"}
return $possibleReturns | Where-Object {$_.AvailabilityZone -like $ec2Filter.Values}
It "Writes a Warning and Returns Null When No Match Found" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-999";
$pod6Instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleWeb},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = "$podBasedEnvironment"},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "Pass"},
@{Key = "alk:lane"; Value = "Fail"}
return $pod6Instance
Mock -CommandName Write-Warning -MockWith {} -ModuleName $moduleForMock
Get-LocalNlbIp | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-Warning -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It `
-ModuleName $moduleForMock -ParameterFilter { $Message -match "No ENIs found with Description" }
It "Writes a Warning and Returns Null When More Than One Match Found" {
Mock -ModuleName $moduleForMock Get-CurrentInstance {
$placementMock = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
"AvailabilityZone" = "us-east-1a";
$pod6Instance = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Placement = $placementMock;
Tag = @(
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyRole; Value = $Global:AlkamiTagValueRoleWeb},
@{Key = $Global:AlkamiTagKeyEnvironment; Value = "$podBasedEnvironment"},
@{Key = "alk:pod"; Value = "Pass"},
@{Key = "alk:lane"; Value = "Fail"}
return $pod6Instance
Mock -CommandName Write-Warning -MockWith {} -ModuleName $moduleForMock
Get-LocalNlbIp | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Write-Warning -Times 1 -Exactly -Scope It `
-ModuleName $moduleForMock -ParameterFilter { $Message -match "2 ENIs found with Description" }
#endregion Get-LocalNlbIp