Other stuff

This commit is contained in:
jcolebrand 2023-05-30 22:55:40 -07:00
parent c34cead304
commit f5910782d4
14 changed files with 8685 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
<Query Kind="Program" />
public static Dictionary<string,int> WeightedList = new Dictionary<string,int>();
void Main()
var r1 = new Regex(@"<#.+?#>", RegexOptions.Singleline);
var r2 = new Regex("#.+?[\r|\n]");
var directoryPath = Path.Combine(GetExecutingDirectory(),"Modules");
var di = new DirectoryInfo(directoryPath);
var files = di.GetFiles("*.ps1",SearchOption.AllDirectories);
var functionNames = new List<string>();
var excludeNames = new List<string>{"Module", "profile", "Shredded Function Names", "ShredModules", "VariableDeclarations", "ConfigurationValues", "chocolateybeforemodify", "chocolateyInstall", "chocolateyUninstall"};
var d = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
var df = files.Select(x => {
var fm = new FolderModule();
fm.FunctionName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x.FullName);
var pathParent = x.Directory;
fm.PublicPrivate = x.Directory.Name;
fm.ModuleName = x.Directory.Parent.Name;
return fm;
}).Where(x => !excludeNames.Contains(x.FunctionName) && x.FunctionName.IndexOf(".Test", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0).Distinct().ToDictionary(x => x.FunctionName, x => x);
var fmod = new FolderModule();
fmod.FunctionName = "Alkami.Ops.Common";
fmod.PublicPrivate = "OPS";
fmod.ModuleName = "Alkami.Ops.Common";
fmod = new FolderModule();
fmod.FunctionName = "Alkami.Ops.SecretServer";
fmod.PublicPrivate = "OPS";
fmod.ModuleName = "Alkami.Ops.SecretServer";
//df.Where(x => !new[]{"Public","Private"}.Contains(x.Value.PublicPrivate)).Dump();
//df.Where(x => new[]{"Public","Private"}.Contains(x.Value.PublicPrivate)).Dump();
// Dictionary<ModuleName,Dictionary<FileName,HashSet<ModuleName>>>
var fd = new Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,HashSet<string>>>();
foreach(var file in files) {
var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName);
if (excludeNames.Contains(fileName) || fileName.IndexOf(".Test", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) {
var moduleName = file.Directory.Parent.Name;
if (!d.ContainsKey(moduleName)) {
d.Add(moduleName, new HashSet<string>());
if (!fd.ContainsKey(moduleName)) {
fd.Add(moduleName, new Dictionary<string,HashSet<string>>());
var text = r2.Replace(r1.Replace(File.ReadAllText(file.FullName),""), "");
foreach (var kvp in df) {
if (text.Contains(kvp.Key) && kvp.Value.ModuleName != moduleName) {
if (!fd[moduleName].ContainsKey(fileName)) {
fd[moduleName].Add(fileName, new HashSet<string>());
if (kvp.Value.PublicPrivate.ToUpper() == "PRIVATE") {
fd[moduleName][fileName].Add("!!PRIVATE - " + kvp.Value.ModuleName + " - " + kvp.Value.FunctionName);
} else if (kvp.Value.PublicPrivate.ToUpper() == "OPS" && !moduleName.ToUpper().Contains("DEVOPS")) {
fd[moduleName][fileName].Add("!!OPS - " + kvp.Value.ModuleName + " - " + kvp.Value.FunctionName);
} else {
// d.Dump();
foreach(var kvp in d) {
kvp.Value.ToList().ForEach(x => $" {x}".Dump());
foreach(var kvp in fd) {
foreach(var kkvp in kvp.Value) {
$" {kkvp.Key}".Dump();
kkvp.Value.ToList().ForEach(x => $" {x}".Dump());
I need to know that a given module has a dependency on another module.
I start with the file.Directory.Parent.Name as the module. I then find each file in that folder, and check all lines to match each item in the list.
If any line matches any key:
add the module dependency from the value.ModuleName for that key to the list under the module
continue to the next line
public class FolderModule {
public string ModuleName {get;set;}
public string PublicPrivate {get;set;}
public string FunctionName {get;set;}
public static int CalculateWeightedValue(Dictionary<string,string> inputs, string key) {
return 0;
public static string GetExecutingDirectory()
return Path.GetDirectoryName (Util.CurrentQueryPath);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Function Test-FlagState {
Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Alias("Force")][switch]$forceUpdate)
process {
Write-Host "forceUpdate flag was set to $forceUpdate and IsPresent evaluates to $($forceUpdate.IsPresent)";
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate:"Tomato"
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate:(!!"Tomato")
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate:(!!"")
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate:$true
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate:$false
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate
# Test-FlagState
# Test-FlagState -forceUpdate:$null
Set-Alias TFS Test-FlagState -Force -Scope:Global

Story Files/SRE-12016.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
# Highlight of major changes of note
The majority of the code review for SRE-12016 has a lot of touched files that may not be strictly relevant to the pull request. There are some files that were touched and some new files that I want to review in detail.
### General notes
#### Touched files
Several files were touched for reformatting while reading, reformatting per code-review request, removal of module-loading (changed the psd1 to match), TODO leavings so we can continue to refactor with targeted review of TODO blocks, etc. I also changed function parameters for things like `Position` or `Mandatory` flags in cases where it caused further issues during unit tests.
I added some build-solution changes that meant touching a lot of `.tests.ps1` files.
#### ServerManager
One of my goals of this refactoring was to get us off Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager. While this does expose some excellent functionality that we can definitely use, one thing it isn't is super-future-proofed. While my replacements are also somewhat bound to the same concepts as the use of ServerManager, I am trying to move in the direction of functions-per-need. This allows for better testing by mockability. To mock ServerManager already requires something like this:
Function Mock-ServerManager {
Write-Host "Creating our custom mock object";
$applications = @(
Path = "/Mockable";
PhysicalPath = "C:\";
ApplicationPoolName = "Mockable";
EnabledProtocols = "http";
Attributes = @{
preloadEnabled = @{
Value = "True"
Path = "/Mockable2";
PhysicalPath = "C:\";
ApplicationPoolName = "Mockable";
EnabledProtocols = "http";
Attributes = @{
preloadEnabled = @{
Value = "True"
Add-Member -InputObject $applications -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Add -Value {
Param($path, $physicalPath)
return @{
Path = $path;
PhysicalPath = $physicalPath;
ApplicationPoolName = "";
EnabledProtocols = "";
Attributes = @{
preloadEnabled = @{
Value = "False"
} -Force $mgr = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Sites = @{"Default Web Site" = @{Applications = $applications}}}
Add-Member -InputObject $mgr -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name CommitChanges -Value {}
Add-Member -InputObject $mgr -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Dispose -Value { param() Write-Host "Disposing";return;}
return $mgr
Maintaining something like this with more complexity for all functionality and testing is going to grow more painful as time goes on. Switching to simple-functions is a goal we should all strive for.
We should work to modify as many functions as use the ServerManager object to use these functions as possible for further testability work and eventual replacement/auditing:
1. Get-ServerManager
2. Save-IISServerManagerChange
## Get-MachineConfigAppSetting
[Get-MachineConfigAppSetting.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.Common/Public/Get-MachineConfigAppSetting.ps1) is being deprecated in favor of Get-AppSetting. The warnings here are for TeamCity so we can find, isolate and update those settings in other places. Nobody knows for sure why we can't move to this pattern, so we are doing so. This touches a few files (I can put together a list if needed) that aren't directly related to the requirement of the ticket, but code reviews indicated the discrepancy and added to a request for the change.
## Get-AppServiceAccountName
[Get-AppServiceAccountName.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration/Public/Get-AppServiceAccountName.ps1) This is to reduce our need for magic variables by environments. This replaces Set-AppTierGMSAAccounts when we get the bootstrap fully implemented on all servers. See [SRE-12325](https://jira.alkami.com/browse/SRE-12325) for more details here. We can use this in Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration (see below for more discussion) to automatically put in a user credential without having to predefine it in a global array.
> This function is basically the linchpin of the auto-configuration of Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration on the Legacy ORB applications.
## Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration
[Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.IIS/Public/Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration.ps1) for user configuration setting as everything uses AD GMSA credentials. This function does self-healing of application pool configurations, so while it may cause additional disk churn, it fixes any aberrant configurations of existing functionality and ensures consistency throughout the application.
Set-AllAppPoolDefaults can be converted to use this new functionality as well, reducing repeated complexity.
One of the setbacks of this function, especially when referring to general notes above, is that there is a lack of explicit testability around $appCmdPath. This could also be extracted into a function that would improve testability. In the interests of not-overloading the complexity of this pull request I left this inline, but a simple pair of functions would improve testability of these functions:
if (!(& $appCmdPath list apppool $property | Where-Object { $_ -match $AppPoolName })) {
could be replaced with
Function Get-AppCommandPropertyExistsOnAppPoool {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
## Replace with a call to a function to find this in the right place
$appCmdPath = (Join-Path $env:systemroot "\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe")
$returnValue = $false
$propertiesFoundOn = @(& $appCmdPath list apppool $property)
foreach($propertyReturned in $propertiesFoundOn) {
if ($propertyReturned -match $AppPoolName) {
$returnValue = $false
return $returnValue
and this is the paired replacement:
(& $appCmdPath set apppool $AppPoolName $property) | Out-Null
Function Set-AppCommandPropertyOnAppPoool {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
## Replace with a call to a function to find this in the right place
$appCmdPath = (Join-Path $env:systemroot "\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe")
(& $appCmdPath set apppool $AppPoolName $property) | Out-Null
> The main holdup on using this as a bulk replacement option is the lack of support for Get-AppServiceAccountName
> However, this can still be used today without that functionality, we just have to maintain setting the value of the service account information elsewhere.
## Set-CommonApplicationPoolOptions
[Set-CommonApplicationPoolOptions.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.IIS/Public/Set-CommonApplicationPoolOptions.ps1) Any use of this function should be replaced with a call to Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration.ps1 as this function is now just a very thing wrapper around that.
## New-AppTierApplicationPools
The guts of this function were moved to New-AppTierApplicationPool to help get Set-CommonApplicationPoolOptions and Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration to the right place. This function should be removed if we adopt Install-AlkamiWebApplication overall.
> Implementing this also means drastically simplifying the global:AppTierApplications
## New-AppTierApplicationPool
[New-AppTierApplicationPool.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.IIS/Public/New-AppTierApplicationPool.ps1) This function was a rip from the middle of New-AppTierApplicationPools so that we could focus on replacing the internals and ensure we have consistent behavior on the replacement function. See also (links below) New-AppTierWebApplication/New-AppTierWebApplications and New-WebTierWebApplications which was just internals bulk-replaced with the call to Install-AlkamiWebApplication.
I didn't force-replace the AppTier changes like I did on the WebTier because I wanted more group buy-in before I force that.
If we push the changes for New-AppTierWebApplications to use Install-AlkamiWebApplication instead, then we can just get rid of all calls to New-AppTierApplicationPools entirely, as the Install-AlkamiWebApplication creates or updates (self-heals) the app pool for that service as it runs.
New-AppTierApplicationPool should be converted to use the new functionality in Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration
> Note the conversion to a PSCredential parameter
## New-AppTierWebApplications
The internals of this function should be moved to Install-AlkamiWebApplication. The holdup is the lack of configurable credentials.
## New-WebTierWebApplications
This just wholesale calls Install-AlkamiWebApplication under the hood because there is no GMSA account associated with any web-tier applications, and that is the majority holdup on making the changes above.
## Install-AlkamiWebApplication
[Install-AlkamiWebApplication.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.IIS/Public/Install-AlkamiWebApplication.ps1) This is the brute of the story.
Basically, the intent is that we can install existing Legacy ORB applications (ex: BankService) with the same installer we use for standalone WebApplications (ex: CUFX, Iodine). This function will allow us to install some applications (ex: CUFX) to chocolatey and link into ORB shared as appropriate, and will allow us to register the Legacy ORB applications using C:\Orb with the same functionality. This reduces the cross-system complexity we've used in the past with multiple functions duplicating effort in part or in whole, and gives us a single point of failure for all installs. If we decide that we need to change a specific feature for AppPools or WebApplications, we can do so in these new consolidated files.
# Lesser function changes/additions
## New-DefaultWebsite
## Optimize-DefaultWebsite
[New-DefaultWebsite.ps1](https://bitbucket.corp.alkamitech.com/projects/DEVOPS/repos/alkami.powershell/pull-requests/336/diff#Modules/Alkami.PowerShell.IIS/Public/New-DefaultWebsite.ps1) This function serves to create a Default Web Site but it can be used to create any website. The use of New-Website conflicts with the Microsoft WebAdministration functions, so we should avoid using their names.
> We could rename this to New-AlkamiWebsite.
If we replace New-WebSite with New-DefaultWebsite (New-AlkamiWebsite?) we should copy over the certificate functionality (which is why this wasn't merged to that function).
See also Set-WebTierDefaultWebSite, New-IPSTSWebSite, etc
> We could rename this to Optimize-AlkamiWebsite.
## Install-WebApplication
This name may be confusing with Install-AlkamiWebApplication but this name matches the naming convention of the other installers:
1. Install-Widget
2. Install-Provider
3. Install-WebExtension
## New-WebBinding
This can be drastically cleaned up as Get-AlkamiWebAppPool and New-AlkamiWebAppPool are just aliases to Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration which is the new guts of Set-CommonApplicationPoolOptions. This triple-alias for Get/New/Set was that they all did precisely the same work (save new-when-not-exists, but the function this replaces does that too, so this is existing behavior)
# Potential removal of functions on final adoption wholesale
> This requires the presence of Environment.UserPrefix on all app tier servers in the fleet.
1. New-AppTierApplicationPools
2. New-AppTierApplicationPool
3. New-AppTierWebApplication
4. Set-CommonApplicationPoolOptions
5. Get-MachineConfigAppSetting
6. Set-AppTierGMSAAccounts (just re-run Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration)
7. New-WebSite
8. Set-AllAppPoolDefaults (just re-run Set-AlkamiWebAppPoolConfiguration/Optimize-DefaultWebsite)
9. Set-ApplicationPoolExecutionAccount

Story Files/SRE-12392.linq Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Story Files/SRE-12392.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
# How to use Test-ModuleInclusion
## Parameters
FolderPath - Where to find the modules. Ex: Z:\git\devops_powershell\Modules
FailBuild - A switch to fail the build if things are broken
Assuming your repository path locally is Z:\git\devops_powershell\, this is what you would type to run this command
PS Z:\git\devops_powershell> cd Modules
PS Z:\git\devops_powershell\Modules> . .\.build\Test-ModuleInclusion.ps1
PS Z:\git\devops_powershell\Modules> Test-ModuleInclusion (Resolve-Path .\)
And this is the output you would expect to see from an initial run (before we fix things)
testing solution
Did not match [SecretServerConnection.ps1] as a valid filename.
Found a CS Project for Alkami.Ops.Certificates
Found a CS Project for Alkami.Ops.Common
Found a CS Project for Alkami.Ops.SecretServer
Did not match [IsPackageWidget.ps1] as a valid filename.
Found a CS Project for Alkami.PowerShell.Migrations
Alkami.DevOps.Certificates uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Services
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Alkami.PowerShell.IIS
Alkami.DevOps.Common uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common - WARNING - OBVIOUS CYCLE
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Alkami.DevOps.Certificates
Alkami.DevOps.Installation uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.DevOps.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Alkami.PowerShell.AD
* Alkami.PowerShell.IIS
* Alkami.PowerShell.Services
* Alkami.DevOps.Certificates
Alkami.DevOps.Inventory uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Choco - WARNING - OBVIOUS CYCLE
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Alkami.PowerShell.ServiceFabric
* Alkami.DevOps.Certificates
Alkami.DevOps.Operations uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Carbon
* Alkami.PowerShell.IIS
* Alkami.PowerShell.Services
* Alkami.PowerShell.AD
* Alkami.PowerShell.Choco
* Alkami.DevOps.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
Alkami.DevOps.SqlReports uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Alkami.DevOps.Common
Alkami.Ops.Certificates doesn't have additional-module usage
Alkami.Ops.Common doesn't have additional-module usage
Alkami.Ops.SecretServer doesn't have additional-module usage
Alkami.PowerShell.AD uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
Alkami.PowerShell.Choco uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Carbon
* Alkami.PowerShell.Services
* Alkami.PowerShell.AD
* Alkami.PowerShell.ServiceFabric - WARNING - OBVIOUS CYCLE
* !! Install-FailedChocoPackages calls Get-PlatformElementInventory
Alkami.PowerShell.Common uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration - WARNING - OBVIOUS CYCLE
* !! Set-AppSetting calls ConvertTo-SafeTeamCityMessage
Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common - WARNING - OBVIOUS CYCLE
Alkami.PowerShell.Database uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
Alkami.PowerShell.IIS uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Carbon
* WebAdministration
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Alkami.PowerShell.Services
Alkami.PowerShell.Migrations doesn't have additional-module usage
Alkami.PowerShell.ServerManagement uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.Services
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
Alkami.PowerShell.ServiceFabric uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* !! Get-AlkamiServiceFabricHostnamesByTag calls Get-DesignationTagNameByEnvironment
* !! Get-AlkamiServiceFabricHostnamesByTag calls Get-InstancesByTag
* Alkami.PowerShell.Choco - WARNING - OBVIOUS CYCLE
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration
* Carbon
Alkami.PowerShell.Services uses
* Alkami.PowerShell.Common
* Alkami.PowerShell.AD
* Alkami.PowerShell.Configuration

Story Files/SRE-12392.ps1 Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<Query Kind="Program" />
void Main()
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var foundFunctions = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>();
var directoryPath = Path.Combine(GetExecutingDirectory(),@"..\Modules");
var listOfWords = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(GetExecutingDirectory(),"SRE-12955.txt"));
var listOfFiles = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(GetExecutingDirectory(),@"..\Modules")).EnumerateFiles("*.ps1",SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList();
foreach(var file in listOfFiles) {
var text = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
foreach (var word in listOfWords) {
if (text.IndexOf(word) > -1) {
if (!foundFunctions.ContainsKey(file.FullName)) {
foundFunctions.Add(file.FullName, new List<string>());
public static string GetExecutingDirectory()
return Path.GetDirectoryName(Util.CurrentQueryPath);

Story Files/SRE-12955.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Story Files/SRE-18111.ps1 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
$teamcityFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\CloneAll\DevOps\.teamcity -Directory -Recurse -Depth 4
$fileMap = @{}
foreach ($teamcityFolder in $teamcityFolders) {
Set-Location -Path (Split-Path -Path $teamcityFolder.FullName -Parent)
git reset --hard
git checkout main
git checkout master
git pull origin
Set-Location -Path C:\CloneAll
Start-Transcript -Path "z:\temp\SRE-18111.txt"
foreach ($teamcityFolder in $teamcityFolders) {
$xmlFilesPath = Join-Path -Path $teamcityFolder.FullName -ChildPath "*.xml"
$xmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $xmlFilesPath -File -Recurse
foreach ($xmlFile in $xmlFiles) {
$file = [xml](Get-Content -Path $xmlFile.FullName -Raw)
$uuid = $file.ChildNodes[1].uuid
if ($null -eq $uuid) {
if ($null -eq $fileMap.$uuid) {
$fileMap.$uuid = @()
$fileMap.$uuid += @{ Name = $file.ChildNodes[1].name; Path = $xmlFile.FullName; FileName = $xmlFile.Name; }
foreach ($key in $fileMap.Keys) {
if ($fileMap.$key.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Host "Distinct uuid: $key"
$groups = $fileMap.$key.Name | Group-Object
if (@($groups).Count -eq 1) {
Write-Host "`tFound one distinct name for all of the following files: $($groups[0].Name)"
} else {
Write-Host "`tFound multiple names for the following files"
foreach ($group in $groups) {
Write-Host "`t * $($group.Name)"
$groups = $fileMap.$key.FileName | Group-Object
if (@($groups).Count -eq 1) {
Write-Host "`tFound one distinct filename for all of the following files: $($groups[0].Name)"
} else {
Write-Host "`tFound multiple filenames for the following files"
foreach ($group in $groups) {
Write-Host "`t * $($group.Name)"
Write-Host "`t`t$($fileMap.$key.Path -join "`n`t`t")"

Story Files/SRE-18111.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
The related ps1 file is for finding the cross-repo duplicate uuids and printing them out to a file.
Note that C:\CloneAll\DevOps\.teamcity is a hardcoded reference to a folder called C:\CloneAll\DevOps\ that has all of the DEVOPS repos in BitBucket in the folder.
Note that C:\CloneAll is a hard coded path
Note that z:\temp\SRE-18111.txt is a hardcoded path for output
If you have all of the DEVOPS projects (at least the TeamCity ones that have a folder on the root called .teamcity) then you can change the appropriate three paths above and run the script and it does all the work you want.
Otherwise, you may need to edit more than those three paths

View File

@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
$carbonFuncs = @( "Add-CGroupMember",
"Write-File" )
#$allPSM1s = Get-ChildItem "D:/alkami.powershell/modules/" -Filter "*.psm1" -Recurse
$allPSM1s = Get-ChildItem "D:/" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse
foreach ($psm1 in $allPSM1s) {
foreach ($line in (get-content $psm1.FullName)) {
foreach ($carbonFunc in $carbonFuncs) {
if ($line -like "## Function from *") {
if ($line -like "*$carbonFunc*") {
Write-Host "$carbonFunc : $($psm1.FullName) : $line"
} else {
# write-host "." -nonewline

build.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
.\modules\build-solution.ps1 -fast
.\package.ps1 -clean

install.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
$chocoPath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "choco")
## See notes below
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey = "DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath"
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey, "User")
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath))) {
$chocoPath = $DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath
if (!(Test-Path $chocoPath)) {
(New-Item $chocoPath -ItemType Directory -Force) | Out-Null
$nupkgs = (Get-ChildItem $chocoPath *.nupkg -Recurse)
$pwd = Get-Location
cd $chocoPath
foreach ($nupkg in $nupkgs) {
choco upgrade $nupkg -yf
Set-Location $pwd
If you want to override the address where these files are built-produced-to, add this to your profile:
and update the target folder (in this case z:\choco)
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey = "DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath"
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey, "User")
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath)) {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey, "Z:\choco", "User")

package.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
$chocoPath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "choco")
## See notes below
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey = "DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath"
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey, "User")
if (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath))) {
$chocoPath = $DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath
if (!(Test-Path $chocoPath)) {
(New-Item $chocoPath -ItemType Directory -Force) | Out-Null
if ($clean) {
Remove-Item -Path $chocoPath\*.nupkg -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$nuspecPaths = (Get-ChildItem *.nuspec -Recurse)
foreach ($nuspecPath in $nuspecPaths) {
$folderPath = (Split-Path $nuspecPath);
$psdPath = (Join-Path $folderPath "*.psd1");
if (!(Test-Path $psdPath)) { continue; }
Write-Output "";
Write-Output "";
Write-Output "Packaging $folderPath";
$version = (((Get-Content $psdPath) | ? { $_.Trim().StartsWith('ModuleVersion') }) -split '=')[1].Trim().Replace("'","")
choco pack $nuspecPath --version $version --out $chocoPath
Write-Output "=================";
If you want to override the address where these files are built-produced-to, add this to your profile:
and update the target folder (in this case z:\choco)
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey = "DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath"
$DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey, "User")
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPath)) {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($DEVOPS_Modules_ChocoOutputPathKey, "Z:\choco", "User")