2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

155 lines
5.3 KiB

[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '')]
[HashTable[]]$installedChocolateyPackages = @();
[HashTable[]]$chocolateySources = @();
# Microservice Tiers
$_MicroserviceTiers = @( @(
), @(
# Define infrastructure microservices that must be running on each server.
$_InfrastructureMicroservices = @(
# Define microservices that need to run on every single FAB server.
# This is different from infrastructure microservices because they are not deployed to web/app servers.
$_FullScaleMicroservicesAllowList = @(
$_FullScaleMicroservicesAllowList += $_InfrastructureMicroServices
# Defines packages to be summarily considered microservices.
$_MicroserviceAllowList = @(
# Defines packages to be excluded from microservices.
$_MicroserviceDenyList = @()
# Define packages to be summarily considered Web Tier packages.
$_WebAllowList = @(
# Define packages to be summarily considered App Tier packages.
$_AppAllowList = @(
# Define packages to be placed on the App Tier in FAB Environments Only
$_AppAllowListFabOnly = @(
# Define nuspec tags for Web Tier packages.
$_WebNuspecTags = @("Widget","AdminWidget","Admin","WebApplication","WebExtension", "Repository", "Module", "Modules", "Website", "Snippet");
# Define nuspec tags for App Tier packages.
$_AppNuspecTags = @("Provider","FileProcessing");
# Define installer packages that must be installed prior to other packages.
$_InstallerPackages = @(
# Define PowerShell module/cmdlet packages.
$_PowerShellModulePackages = @(
# Define packages that must only be installed in upgrade-mode.
$_UpgradePackages = @(
# Define package dependencies that signify database usage / dbms user requirements.
$_DbmsDependencies = @(
# Define package dependencies that signify that a package is a microservice.
$_MicroDependencies = @(
# "Legacy" WebApplications - these need to sort higher than others in the same tier
# because they live in `Get-OrbPath` and other packages might try to install into
# one of their subfolders; these packages need to install prior to others
# in the same tier
$_ComponentizedWebApplications = @(