2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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Function Get-DefaultLog4NetPathForPackage {
Return a [string] path to the most environment-specific log4net.config file available in a base path or $null
File path is determined by PackageName and SourcePath, which will usually be a TeamCity Agent parameter, but may
be a local folder for testing or manual execution.
Where EnvironmentName > EnvironmentType > base (Production) default:
Given an EnvironmentName, or Designation, if a default log4net config file exists with that Designation as its suffix,
returns path to that file.
Given an EnvironmentType (other than Production), if a default log4net config file exists with that EnvironmentType as its
suffix, returns path to that file.
Given neither of the above, or if a matching file does not exist in the 'config-defaults' repo referenced by SourcePath
for prior cases, return path to non-suffixed log4net.config for given PackageName, if it exists.
Otherwise, returns $null.
[string] Path to the '/config-defaults/log4net' folder, probably partially derived from TeamCity Agent or Build parameters
.PARAMETER PackageName
[string] The package name, as it exists in folder format on-disk, for the Chocolatey package needing a default log4net.config file
.PARAMETER EnvironmentType
[string] Taken from machine.config AppSetting 'Environment.Type'. Example: "Staging" or "Production"
.PARAMETER EnvironmentName
[string] The smallest form of the environment(pod,lane,box,designation) name;can be found in 'alk:pod', 'alk:lane', etc. Example: NI1, or 12.
.PARAMETER IsReliableService
[switch] Boolean to determine if the package is a Reliable Service package. This changes the path where Log4Net defaults will look.
[string] Path to most environment-specific log4net default available for parameters given, or $null
Get-DefaultLog4NetPathForPackage -SourcePath "C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net" -PackageName "Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host" -EnvironmentName "SDKStg" -EnvironmentType "Staging"
Will return (if it exists): C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host\tools\log4net.config.SDKStg
Else, will return (if it exists):
Else, will return (if it exists):
Else, will return
Get-DefaultLog4NetPathForPackage -SourcePath "C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net" -PackageName "Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host"
Will return (if it exists): C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host\tools\log4net.config
Get-DefaultLog4NetPathForPackage -SourcePath "C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net" -PackageName "Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host" -EnvironmentName "SDKStg"
Will return (if it exists): C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host\tools\log4net.config.SDKStg
Get-DefaultLog4NetPathForPackage -SourcePath "C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net" -PackageName "Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host" -EnvironmentType "Staging"
Will return (if it exists): C:\AWSBuildAgentB1\work\blah\config-defaults\log4net\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Alkami.MicroServices.Alerts.Service.Host\tools\log4net.config.staging
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string]$EnvironmentType = "Production",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
Write-Host ("Find log4net default for: {0} : {1}" -f $EnvironmentType, $EnvironmentName)
$baseFilter = "log4net.config"
# {0} => Drive and path prefix, like %checkoutDir% or %systemDrive% sort of thing.
# {1} => package name
$agentPathTemplate = "{0}\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\{1}\tools"
if($IsReliableService) {
# Reliable Services have a different folder structure.
$agentPathTemplate = "{0}\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\{1}\svc\Code"
# {0} => baseline filename - log4net.config
# {1} => EnvironmentName or EnvironmentType filename suffix - "staging" or "production" or "NI1" or "12"
$filenameTemplate = "{0}.{1}"
# Determine if it's a load test environment, and override the environment type from what is in the environment.
# In load test environments the environment type is generally Staging and we can't use it. If the ltm environment log4net cannot be found it will fall through to the production config.
$isLoadTestEnvironment = (Test-IsLoadTestEnvironment -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName)
if($isLoadTestEnvironment) {
$EnvironmentType = "ltm"
$filters = @{}
$filters["base"] = $baseFilter
$filters["podOrLane"] = $EnvironmentName
$filters["environmentType"] = ($EnvironmentType.ToLower())
$packageLog4NetFolderPath = ($agentPathTemplate -f $SourcePath, $PackageName)
# Select the environment name level config if it exists.
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filters["podOrLane"])) {
Write-Host "$logLead : No environment name/designation specified"
} else {
$designationSpecificFilename = $filenameTemplate -f $filters["base"], $filters["podOrLane"]
$designationSpecificPath = Join-Path -Path $packageLog4NetFolderPath -ChildPath $designationSpecificFilename
if (($null -ne $designationSpecificPath) -and (Test-Path $designationSpecificPath)) {
Write-Host ("$logLead : Found file for {0}. Selecting {1}" -f $filters["podOrLane"], $designationSpecificFilename)
return $designationSpecificPath
} else {
Write-Host "$logLead : $designationSpecificPath not found"
# Select the environment type level config if it exists.
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($filters["environmentType"]) -or $filters["environmentType"] -eq "Production") {
Write-Host "$logLead : No environment type or Production specified"
} else {
$environmentSpecificFilename = $filenameTemplate -f $filters["base"], $filters["environmentType"]
$environmentSpecificPath = Join-Path -Path $packageLog4NetFolderPath -ChildPath $environmentSpecificFilename
if (($null -ne $environmentSpecificPath) -and (Test-Path $environmentSpecificPath)) {
Write-Host ("$logLead : Found file for {0}. Selecting {1}" -f $filters["podOrLane"], $environmentSpecificFilename)
return $environmentSpecificPath
} else {
Write-Host "$logLead : $environmentSpecificPath not found"
# Otherwise default to the production log4net configs.
$baseProdDefaultPath = Join-Path -Path $packageLog4NetFolderPath -ChildPath $filters["base"]
if (Test-Path $baseProdDefaultPath) {
Write-Host ("$logLead : Found Production log4net file. Selecting {0}" -f $filters["base"])
return $baseProdDefaultPath
} else {
Write-Host "$logLead : $baseProdDefaultPath not found"
return $null