2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

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function Get-NewRelicNextLink {
Takes a Link header value (in the case of an invalidly formatted header, $null, or "", will return "")
Assumption (per docs) you will get a header that looks like this:
Link: <>;rel="first",
Find the "next" header line, get the url from it.
See also and
The header key to parse
The link type to look for. Values: first,prev,next,last
Get-NewRelicNextLink -LinkHeader Link: '<>;rel="first", <>;rel="prev", <>;rel="next", <>;rel="last"'
Get-NewRelicNextLink -LinkHeader Link: '<>;rel="first", <>;rel="prev", <>;rel="next", <>;rel="last"' -LinkType Last
param (
[string]$LinkType = "next"
# It's ok to just not pass in a header value
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LinkHeader)) {
return ""
$links += @($LinkHeader.Split(","))
# This shape will look like @{ first = url; next = url; last = url; ... }
$linkHash = @{}
if ($links.Count -gt 0) {
foreach($link in $links) {
# This is idiosyncratic powershell and does magic where it basically splits on either value
# You can't combine them, but you could write some complex loop logic to replace it.
# Code we don't write is code we don't have to support.
$linkSplits = $link -split '; rel=' -split ';rel='
if (@($linkSplits).Count -gt 0) {
# lop off the first and last chars (<,>,") of each string
$url = $linkSplits[0].Trim().Substring(1,$linkSplits[0].Trim().Length - 2)
$name = $linkSplits[1].Trim().Substring(1,$linkSplits[1].Trim().Length - 2)
# stuff them into an object
$linkHash[$name] = $url
Write-Verbose "$logLead : Found a url for '$name' - '$url'"
return $linkHash[$LinkType]