2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

106 lines
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function Set-HelmDeploymentVersions {
Updates the helm values file of a given environment to reflect the tags of the provided microservice names/versions.
The path to the gitops repository containing the helm environment definitions.
.PARAMETER EnvironmentName
The name of the environment to update.
The list of microservice name/versions to update into the values file.
# This updates the version tags of microservices for Red14
$repoPath = ".\alkami.gitops.kubernetes"
$envName = "red14"
$packages = Format-ParseChocoPackages -Delimiter " " -Text @"
alkami.microservices.iaccountservicecontract.netcore 1.2.3 0.0.9000
Set-HelmDeploymentVersions -RepoPath $repoPath -EnvironmentName $envName -Packages $packages -Verbose
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
if (Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty -Collection $Packages) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : No packages to update. Exiting."
# Fetch the values filepath/yaml for the environment.
# A null response here is presumably valid. The parent will call Write-Error so EAP needs to be Stop if you want it to break
# The parent will TC BuildProblem if there are issues reading things
$appYamls = Get-HelmApplicationYamls -RepoPath $RepoPath -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName
$values = $appYamls.values
$valuesPath = $appYamls.valuesPath
# $appName = $appYamls.applicationName
# Create a mapping from image packageId to subchart name so we can avoid a O(n^2) lookup.
# Package names provided to this function will be based on the package id in the image repository, not the name of the subchart.
$imageToSubchartLookup = @{}
[array]$microserviceKeys = $values.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "alk-svc-*" }
foreach ($microservice in $microserviceKeys) {
$image = $values[$microservice].image.repository.split("/")[-1]
$imageToSubchartLookup[$image] = $microservice
# Update the image tags if they have changes.
$dirty = $false
foreach ($package in $Packages) {
$packageName = $package.Name
# TODO: Do we need a better descriptive name here for the block?
$blockName = "$packageName"
Write-Host "##teamcity[blockOpened name='$blockName']"
Write-Host "$logLead : Packagename - $packageName"
$subchartName = $imageToSubchartLookup[$packageName]
if ($null -eq $subchartName) {
# While we don't normally do TC messages in Module files, this seems appropriate per conversations and use-case
$errorMessage = "Could not find subchart definition for microservice `"$packageName`". Does the microservice exist in the $EnvironmentName values file?"
$identity = "SetHelm_$packageName"
Write-Host "##teamcity[buildProblem description='$errorMessage' identity='$identity']"
Write-Error "$logLead : $errorMessage"
# Need to process all the packages before erroring so multiple can be fixed at one time?
## TODO: Can .image ever be null? Breaks the set down below
$currentTag = $values[$subchartName].image.tag
if ($currentTag -ne $package.Version) {
Write-Host "$logLead : Updating $subchartName tag from [$currentTag] to [$($package.Version)]"
$values[$subchartName].image.tag = $package.Version
$dirty = $true
Write-Host "##teamcity[blockClosed name='$blockName']"
# Save the modified values file.
if ($dirty) {
Write-Host "$logLead : Updating image tags in values file for $EnvironmentName"
ConvertTo-Yaml -Data $values -OutFile $valuesPath -Force
return $valuesPath
} else {
Write-Host "$logLead : Environment values file for $EnvironmentName requires no updates. Exiting."
return $null