2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

86 lines
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function Get-ExistingWebApps {
PS Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\mac\home\DevRoot\SDK\alkami.powershell.sdk> Get-ExistingWebApps -IsClient
[Get-ExistingWebApps] : Found these Web Applications ["/Isotope"]
"PhysicalPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib\\Alkami.WebApps.Isotope\\Content\\App",
"name": "Isotope",
"applicationPool": "WebClient",
"path": "/Isotope",
"preloadEnabled": true,
"Origin": "Client"
$loglead = (Get-LogLeadName)
$webApplications = @()
$origin = "Client"
if ($IsLegacy) {
## Use of this function ensures that the Default Web Site exists
$defaultWebsite = (Get-DefaultWebsite)
if ($null -eq $defaultWebsite) {
$defaultWebsite = Invoke-CommandWithRetry -ScriptBlock { return (New-DefaultWebsite) } @icwrSplat
## Ensure we add this to the list of sites we are going to be installing to
$siteList += $defaultWebsite
$parentAppName = $defaultWebsite.Name
$origin = "Legacy"
} else {
## By process of elimination, if you weren't in parameter set IsAdmin or IsLegacy, you must be in IsClient.
$parentAppName = 'WebClient'
if ($IsAdmin) {
$parentAppName = 'WebClientAdmin'
$origin = "Admin"
$webApplications = (Get-WebApplication -Site $parentAppName)
if (Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $webApplications) {
Write-Host "$logLead : Can't find any Web Applications bound to: [$parentAppName]"
#throw "$logLead : Can't find any Web Applications bound to: [$parentAppName]"
} else {
Write-Host "$logLead : Found these Web Applications [`"$(($webApplications.path) -join '`",`"')`"] in $($parentAppName)"
$webApps = @()
foreach ($webApplication in $webApplications) {
<#Gather the following information and put into an object for later consumption
"path": "/Isotope",
"applicationPool": "WebClient",
"preloadEnabled": true,
"PhysicalPath": "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib\\Alkami.WebApps.Isotope\\content\\App"#>
$webApp = @{
name = $webApplication.path -Replace '[/]', '' # remove leading '\'
path = $webApplication.path
applicationPool = $webApplication.applicationPool
preloadEnabled = $webApplication.preloadEnabled
PhysicalPath = $webApplication.PhysicalPath
Origin = $origin
NeedsShared = $false
$webApps += $webApp
#Write-Host (ConvertTo-Json $webApps)
return $webApps