2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

110 lines
4.6 KiB

Function Set-SDKServicePermissions {
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
## We'll use the database permitter to grant access to any dbms services
$pathToPermitter = "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\Alkami.MicroServices.Choco.Installer.Database\tools\Alkami.Database.Permitter.exe"
# We just want to make sure everything is off before we try to do this
$chocoRootPath = Get-ChocolateyInstallPath
$chocoLibPath = Join-Path -Path $chocoRootPath -ChildPath 'lib'
$serviceNames = (Get-AlkamiServices).Name
foreach ($serviceName in $serviceNames) {
Write-Debug "Baking $serviceName...";
$chocoPackagePath = Join-Path -Path $chocoLibPath -ChildPath $serviceName
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $chocoPackagePath)) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Could not find the chocolatey package at [$chocoPackagePath], continuing to next package"
## Own the service, this allows us to make changes to it
Write-Debug "Owning service...";
Invoke-SCExe @('config',$serviceName,'type=','own')
$manifest = $null
try {
$manifest = Get-PackageManifest -Path $chocoPackagePath
} catch {}
if ($null -ne $manifest) {
# found a manifest
if ($null -ne $manifest.ServiceManifest) {
# found a service manifest
# Assume that the service does not need to use the dbms user
$message = "Serice does not require access to the database"
$accountName = $microUser
if (Test-ServiceManifestRequiresDbAccess -ServiceManifest $manifest.ServiceManifest) {
# Service needs to use the dbms user
$message = "Service requires access to the database"
$accountName = $dbmsUser
Write-Host "$logLead : $message. Configuring to use [$accountName] for [$serviceName]"
Invoke-SCExe @('config', $serviceName, 'obj=', $accountName)
# Skipping the legacy applier because that should have been done on a successful install. Another function should reapply migrations as required
} else {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Manifest found is not a service manifest at [$chocoPackagePath]"
} # else fallback to the legacy path
## Service relative pathing for the various tasks we'll be doing
$toolsPath = "c:\programdata\chocolatey\lib\$serviceName\tools";
$configPath = "c:\programdata\chocolatey\lib\$serviceName\tools\$serviceName.exe.config";
$dbConfigPath = (Join-Path -Path $toolsPath -ChildPath "DatabaseConfig.ps1");
if(Test-Path -Path $configPath) {
# TODO: This is now handled by the migration runner
## test if dbms service
if(Test-Path -Path $dbConfigPath) {
Write-Debug "DatabaseConfig.ps1 detected: $dbConfigPath";
## Each service has a DatabaseConfig.ps1 that defines the database role for the service and the migrations library
## We'll use the $schemaGroupRole defined here as the role to add to the database
. $dbConfigPath
## Change the service to run as the dbms user
Write-Debug "Setting service user name...$dbmsUser"
Invoke-SCExe @('config',$serviceName,'obj=',$dbmsUser)
## Run the permitter in the migrations folder to create and assign roles to the already existing dbms user
Write-Debug "Permitting user for db roles..."
$connectionString = "data source=$databaseSource;Integrated Security=SSPI; Database=$databaseName";
& $pathToPermitter $connectionString $dbmsUser $schemaGroupRole;
else {
Write-Debug "Logical service detected: $configPath";
## Update the microservices to run as our micro user.
Write-Debug "Setting service user name...$microUser"
Invoke-SCExe @('config',$serviceName,'obj=',$microUser)
else {
Write-Debug "Unable to verify configuration file for $serviceName. Skipping."
# TODO: Verify this user is a valid user to be set
# And Radium...
$radiumuser = "CORP\dev.radium$"
$radiumServiceName = "Alkami Radium Scheduler Service";
Invoke-SCExe @('config',$radiumServiceName,'obj=',$radiumuser)
Write-Debug "Done baking.";