2023-05-30 22:51:22 -07:00

107 lines
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function Clear-GMSAPasswords {
Sets an empty password on all Chocolatey services running as GMSA Accounts. Accepts an optional string array as a filter parameter
Due to bugs in the way our microservice services are created, GMSA Password rotations may result in services failing to start with logon errors (see: SDK-773)
This function is occasionally run to clear out the passwords and allow them to start. All Windows services running out of the Chocolatey folder and running as
GMSA accounts will be acted on (including NAG and Radium), unless a filter list of full Service Names is specified
.PARAMETER serviceFilter
[string[]] Optional Array of Service Names (not display names) to execute against
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Finding services installed out of the chocolatey path.
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Found 3 chocolatey services.
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Clearing GMSA Password for Service Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host running as user FH\stage.micro$
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Clearing GMSA Password for Service Alkami.MicroServices.Broker.Host running as user FH\stage.micro$
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Clearing GMSA Password for Service Alkami.MicroServices.Features.Beacon.Host running as user FH\stage.micro$
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Cleared 3 GMSA Service Passwords
Clear-GMSAPasswords @("Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host", "Alkami.MicroServices.Broker.Host") -Verbose
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Finding services installed out of the chocolatey path.
[Get-ChocolateyServices] : Found 3 chocolatey services.
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Filtering for Services:
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Clearing GMSA Password for Service Alkami.Services.Subscriptions.Host running as user FH\stage.micro$
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Clearing GMSA Password for Service Alkami.MicroServices.Broker.Host running as user FH\stage.micro$
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig SUCCESS
VERBOSE: [Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Skipping Service Alkami.MicroServices.Features.Beacon.Host as it is not in the Filter List
[Clear-GMSAPasswords] : Cleared 2 GMSA Service Passwords
$logLead = Get-LogLeadName
$filterParamSpecified = !(Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $serviceFilter)
[array]$services = Get-ChocolateyServices
[array]$nagAndRadium = Get-AlkamiServices | Where-Object {($_.Name -match "Nag|Radium")}
if (Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $nagAndRadium) {
Write-Verbose "$logLead : No Nag/Radium services running on host."
} else {
$services += $nagAndRadium
if (Test-IsCollectionNullOrEmpty $services) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Found no Services! Execution cannot continue";
if ($filterParamSpecified) {
Write-Host "$logLead : Filtering for Services:"
Write-Host $serviceFilter -Separator `n
$clearedCount = 0
foreach ($serviceName in ($services | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique)) {
if ($filterParamSpecified -and (!($serviceFilter -icontains $serviceName))) {
Write-Verbose "$logLead : Skipping Service $serviceName as it is not in the Filter List"
$userName = Get-WindowsServiceUser $serviceName
if (!($userName.EndsWith("$"))) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Skipping Service $serviceName as it is Not Running as a GMSA Account"
Write-Host "$logLead : Clearing GMSA Password for Service $serviceName running as user $userName"
$params = @("config", $serviceName, "obj=$userName")
Invoke-SCExe $params
Write-Host "$logLead : Setting $serviceName to managed by LSA"
Set-ServiceAccountManagedState -ServiceName $serviceName
if ($filterParamSpecified -and $clearedCount -eq 0 -and $services.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Warning "$logLead : Found no matching services based on the supplied parameters"
Write-Host "$logLead : Updated $clearedCount GMSA Services"